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PowerShell 密码过期通知脚本

[英]PowerShell Password expiration notification script

Tell me how to implement the process, there is an OU with accounts for which you need to make a selection of accounts whose password has not been changed for more than a year, and send an email to the manager of this account.告诉我怎么实现流程,有一个OU的账号,你需要选择一年以上没有改过密码的账号,发一个email给这个账号的管理员。 At the moment, I have only implemented a selection of user accounts whose password has not been changed for more than a year,目前,我只实现了一年多未更改密码的用户帐户选择,

Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $True -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $true} -SearchBase "OU=SС,DC=domain,DC=com" -Properties Manager, PasswordLastSet | Where-Object {$_.PasswordLastSet -lt (Get-Date).adddays(-365)} | select Name,SamAccountName,PasswordLastSet, Manager

but how do I take the account manager and send a report with the name and password period to the manager?但是我如何带客户经理并将带有名称和密码期限的报告发送给经理?

The Manager property for an ADUser can be either not set, or else it will contain the DistinguishedName of the manager.可以不设置 ADUser 的Manager属性,否则它将包含经理的 DistinguishedName。

This means that if you need more properties from that manager, like the EmailAddress, you need to perform another Get-ADUser to obtain these properties.这意味着如果您需要来自该管理器的更多属性,例如 EmailAddress,您需要执行另一个Get-ADUser来获取这些属性。

You can collect all you need in an array of PSCustomObjects with just one ForEach-Object loop and after that all that is needed is to group on the manager's email address and start sending out nicely formatted mails.只需一个ForEach-Object循环,您就可以在一组 PSCustomObjects 中收集您需要的所有内容,然后只需对经理的 email 地址进行分组,然后开始发送格式良好的邮件。

Something like:就像是:

$refDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-365).Date  # set to midnight
$filter  = "Enabled -eq 'True' -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq 'True'"
$users   = Get-ADUser -Filter $filter -SearchBase "OU=SС,DC=domain,DC=com" -Properties EmailAddress, Manager, PasswordLastSet | 
    Where-Object {$_.PasswordLastSet -lt $refDate} | 
    ForEach-Object {
        # get the Manager details we need
        $manager = Get-ADUser -Identity $_.Manager -Properties Name, EmailAddress
        $_ | Select-Object Name,SamAccountName,PasswordLastSet, EmailAddress,
                            @{Name = 'ManagerName'; Expression = {$manager.Name}},
                            @{Name = 'ManagerEmail'; Expression = {$manager.EmailAddress}}

# you now have an array of user objects with properties you need to create the email(s)

# create a Here-String with the wanted style for the email
$style = @"
    body, table {font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000;}
    table {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}
    th {border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 3px;}
    td {border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px;}

# create a Here-String template to use for mailing the managers
# this uses 3 placeholders to fill in (style, manager name, and the table of expiring user accounts)
$mailTemplate = @"
Dear {1},<br /><br />
The below users have not changed their password for more than a year.<br />
<br />
As their manager, please tell them to do so within the next 14 days.  
<br /><br />
Thank you.

# first filter out the users that do have a manager and group by the 'ManagerEmail' property
$users | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.ManagerEmail) } | Group-Object -Property ManagerEmail | ForEach-Object {
    $mgrName  = $_.Group[0].ManagerName
    $mgrEmail = $_.Name  # the Group's Name is what we grouped on == ManagerEmail. Can also use $_.Group[0].ManagerEmail

    # select the user properties from the group, and convert it into a nice HTML table
    $table = ($_.Group | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty 'Manager*' | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment) -join [environment]::NewLine
    # create a Hashtable for splatting the parameters to the Send-MailMessage cmdlet
    $mailParams = @{
        To         = $mgrEmail
        From       = 'IT@yourdomain.com'
        Subject    = 'Users that have not changed their password for more than a year'
        Body       = $mailTemplate -f $style, $mgrName, $table  # fill in the placeholders of the mail template
        BodyAsHtml = $true
        Priority   = 'High'
        SmtpServer = 'smtp.yourdomain.com'
        # more parameters go here
    # send this manager an email with a table of users that report to him/her
    Send-MailMessage @mailParams

# next filter out users that have no manager listed and display that list for you to take action on
$noManager = @($users | Where-Object { [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.ManagerEmail) })

if ($noManager.Count) {
    # output on screen
    Write-Host "These users have no manager.."
    $noManager | Format-Table -AutoSize

    # if you like, save to CSV file
    $noManager | Export-Csv -Path 'Path\To\UsersWithoutManager.csv'

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