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对所有屏幕使用相同的组件 REACT-NATIVE

[英]Use the same component for all screens REACT-NATIVE

im building a music-player and i want to implement this:我正在构建一个音乐播放器,我想实现这个:


at the bottom, theres a bottomsheet, so if I go to albums, artist, it will still there, how can i do it?在底部,有一个底页,所以如果我 go 到专辑,艺术家,它仍然存在,我该怎么办? for now i have but only in one screen, in this case Tracks:现在我只有一个屏幕,在这种情况下是曲目:

render ()
    const props = {
            playing: this.state.playing,
            update_playing: this.update_playing.bind(this),
            update_next_song: this.update_next_song.bind(this),
            repeat_song: this.repeat_song.bind(this),
            repeat_queue: this.repeat_queue.bind(this),
            show_hide_icon: this.show_hide_icon.bind(this),
            current_track_id: this.state.current_track_id,
            current_track: (this.state.current_track === "") ? this.props.info_track[0]?.title : this.state.current_track,
            cover: (this.state.current_track === "") ? this.props.info_track[0]?.cover : this.state.cover,
            artist: (this.state.current_track === "") ? this.props.info_track[0]?.artist : this.state.artist,
            show_icon: this.state.show_icon,
            tracks: this.props?.tracks,
            first_id_song: this.props?.first_id_song,
            last_id_song: this.props?.last_id_song,
return (
    <View style = {{flex: 1, backgroundColor: "black"}}>
                   <Text style = {{fontSize: 30, color: "red"}}>{saludo}</Text>
                        data = {this.props.tracks}
                        keyExtractor = {(item) => item.id.toString()}
                        renderItem = {({item}) => (
                            <TouchableOpacity onPress = {() => {this.play_selected_music(item) ; this.get_track_cover_artist(item)}}>
                                <View style = {this.styles.tracks_container}>
                                    <View style = {this.styles.tracks_info_container}>
                                            (item?.cover) ? <Image source = {{uri:"file:///"+item.cover}} style={{ width: 100, height: 100, marginLeft: 20}}></Image>
                                            : <Image source = {require("../assets/default_image.jpg")} style={{ width: 100, height: 100, marginLeft: 20}}></Image>
                                        <View style = {this.styles.tracks}>
                                                <Text style = {{color: "white", fontSize: 20, marginLeft: 10}} numberOfLines = {1}>
                                                        (item.title.length > 20) ?  
                                                        : item.title
                                            <View style = {this.styles.artist_duration}>
                                                <Text style = {{color: "white", fontSize: 10, marginLeft: 10}}>
                                                    Artist: {(item.artist.length > 15) ? 
                                                    : item.artist}
                                                <Text style = {{color: "white",fontSize: 10, marginLeft: 10}}>
                                                    Duration: {this.get_time(item.duration)}
                        ref = {ref => (this.sheetref = ref)}
                        initialSnap = {1}
                        snapPoints = {[Dimensions.get("window").height - StatusBar.currentHeight, 95]}
                        renderHeader = {() => <Player_Header {...props}></Player_Header>}
                        renderContent = {() => <Track_Zone {...props}></Track_Zone>}
                        enabledContentGestureInteraction = {false}
                        onOpenEnd = {this.hide_icon}
                        onCloseEnd = {this.show_icon}>

it receives props from the component to get update everytime the track changes, thought about putting it outside the navigator, but then, how can get all the necessary props, functions, etc to update it?它从组件接收道具以在每次轨道更改时进行更新,考虑将其放在导航器之外,但是,如何获得所有必要的道具、功能等来更新它?

this is my navigator:这是我的导航器:

        <Tab.Screen name = "Tracks" children = {({navigation}) => <Tracks navigation = {navigation}></Tracks>}></Tab.Screen>
        <Tab.Screen name = "Chao" children = {({navigation}) => <Chao navigation = {navigation}></Chao>}></Tab.Screen>

You can define a HOC to render the BottomSheet withTracKBottomSheet() Now you can wrap every screen in which there should be a BottomSheet with withTrackBottomSheet() .你可以定义一个 HOC 来渲染 BottomSheet withTracKBottomSheet()现在你可以用 withTrackBottomSheet() 来包装每个应该有一个 BottomSheet 的withTrackBottomSheet()

Something like this像这样的东西

const withTrackBottomSheet = Component => {
  // Do all the business logic

  return (
      <Component />
      <BottomSheet />

In your case, the same state will be shared among multiple screens/components.在您的情况下,相同的 state 将在多个屏幕/组件之间共享。 Thus I will advise you to use some state management library like redux to make your work a little easier and less complex.因此,我建议您使用一些 state 管理库,例如 redux,以使您的工作更轻松、更简单。

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