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Serilog 属性解构不能始终如一地工作?

[英]Serilog property destructuring doesn't work consistently?

I am trying to enrich my Serilog log context with an object and have it's properties show up as destructured in Elasticsearch.我正在尝试使用 object 来丰富我的 Serilog 日志上下文,并使其属性在 Elasticsearch 中显示为已解构。 This works fine when I am using LogContext.PushProperty :当我使用LogContext.PushProperty时,这很好用:

var conductorContext = new
   TaskName = task.WorkflowTask.Name,

using (LogContext.PushProperty("ConductorContext", conductorContext, destructureObjects: true))

The ConductorContext object is neatly destructured and it's properties are individually accessible in Elasticsearch: ConductorContext object 被巧妙地解构,它的属性可以在 Elasticsearch 中单独访问:

"fields" : {
   "ConductorContext" : {
      "WorkflowInstanceId" : "8dca7ebd-4b68-4389-ab98-136bbdf11484",
      "TaskId" : "29cef277-dc33-45a6-8b07-65a4de327f49",
      "TaskName" : "LoadAangrijpOmsDataTask",
      "TaskType" : "LoadAangrijpOmsDataTask",
      "InputData" : null

However, when I use WithProperty (I want to add a global object) as follows (in my Program.cs:Main method:但是,当我按如下方式使用WithProperty (我想添加一个全局对象)时(在我的Program.cs:Main方法中:

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
   .Enrich.WithProperty("NomadContext", new
      AllocationId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NOMAD_ALLOC_ID"),
      AllocationName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NOMAD_ALLOC_NAME"),
      JobId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NOMAD_JOB_ID"),
      JobName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NOMAD_JOB_NAME"),
      GroupName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NOMAD_GROUP_NAME"),
      TaskName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NOMAD_TASK_NAME")
   }, destructureObjects: true)

The NomadContext shows up as a string in Elasticsearch: NomadContext在 Elasticsearch 中显示为字符串:

"fields" : {
   "NomadContext" : "{ AllocationId = 293dd620-955c-7f8d-b6b5-9a36546bd29d, AllocationName = da_pub_worker.group_da_pub_worker[1], JobId = , JobName = da_pub_worker, GroupName = group_da_pub_worker, TaskName = task_da_pub_worker }"

I cannot figure out why the first works and the latter doesn't.我无法弄清楚为什么第一个有效而后者无效。 What am I missing?我错过了什么?

I am using the Serilog.Sinks.Elasticsearch package.我正在使用 Serilog.Sinks.Elasticsearch package。

The problem was not in Serilog or in the Serilog.Sinks.Elasticsearch package, but in the configuration of my ELK stack itself.问题不在 Serilog 或 Serilog.Sinks.Elasticsearch package 中,而是在我的 ELK 堆栈本身的配置中。

Deleting and re-creating my indices made the NomadContext come up properly destructured.删除和重新创建我的索引使 NomadContext 正确解构。

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