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[英]Size of the stack and the heap

i read that the size of the stack in c in windows is 1 MB, and 8MB in linux, by default.我读到 c 中 windows 中的堆栈大小默认为 1 MB,linux 中为 8MB。 but that size can be changed.但是这个尺寸是可以改变的。

1 - why would i use the heap when i am worried about size limits when i can change the stack to fit all the data? 1 - 当我担心大小限制时,我为什么要使用堆,而我可以更改堆栈以适应所有数据?

2 - what are the disadvantages of changing the limit of the stack and making it bigger? 2 - 改变堆栈的限制并使其更大的缺点是什么?

1 - why would i use the heap when i am worried about size limits when i can change the stack to fit all the data? 1 - 当我担心大小限制时,我为什么要使用堆,而我可以更改堆栈以适应所有数据?

It's not about size, it's about lifetime .这与大小无关,而与寿命有关。 Objects with auto storage duration (ie, allocated from the stack in most implementations) only exist for the lifetime of their enclosing scope or function.具有auto存储持续时间的对象(即,在大多数实现中从堆栈分配)仅在其封闭的 scope 或 function 的生命周期内存在。 That matters if you need something to persist across multiple function calls (such as a node in a list or tree).如果您需要在多个 function 调用(例如列表或树中的节点)中持久保存某些内容,这很重要。

Objects with allocated storage duration (ie, allocated from the heap using malloc , calloc , or realloc ) exist until you explicitly deallocate them ( free ).具有已allocated存储持续时间的对象(即,使用malloccallocrealloc从堆中分配)一直存在,直到您显式取消分配它们( free )。

2 - what are the disadvantages of changing the limit of the stack and making it bigger? 2 - 改变堆栈的限制并使其更大的缺点是什么?

You're making assumptions about what the underlying implementation can support, which can limit your ability to port code to other platforms (which may or may not be a concern for you).您正在对底层实现可以支持什么做出假设,这可能会限制您将代码移植到其他平台的能力(这可能会或可能不会让您担心)。 You're also trading frame size for stack depth - you'll run out of stack space faster if you set aside more space per function call, which can matter for deeply nested calls or recursive algorithms 1 .您还在用帧大小换取堆栈深度 - 如果您为每个 function 调用留出更多空间,您将更快地耗尽堆栈空间,这对于深度嵌套调用或递归算法1可能很重要。

This is why the usual practice is to either allocate very large objects dynamically, or to make them static .这就是为什么通常的做法是动态分配非常大的对象,或者使它们成为static

  1. Granted, on a modern hosted implementation with several gigabytes of virtual address space that's not a major concern, but could be an issue on embedded platforms or other memory-constrained environments.当然,在具有数 GB 虚拟地址空间的现代托管实现中,这不是主要问题,但在嵌入式平台或其他内存受限的环境中可能是一个问题。 Remember that C is a product of the early 1970s, and a lot of current practice was developed on systems with total memory measured in kilobytes.请记住,C 是 1970 年代初期的产品,目前许多实践都是在系统上开发的,总 memory 以千字节为单位。

Note: This answer is ment to be edited and extended with more dis/advantages...注意:这个答案需要编辑和扩展,有更多的缺点/优势......

Disadvantages of using the stack:使用堆栈的缺点:

  • Objects on the stack live only as long as the creating block is active.堆栈上的对象仅在创建块处于活动状态时才存在。 You can hand over references to called methods/functions, but you cannot return references to callers.您可以移交对被调用方法/函数的引用,但不能将引用返回给调用者。
  • The space for the stack is allocated completely at the start of the program, AFAIK.堆栈空间在程序开始时完全分配,AFAIK。 It reduces the available memory for other programs.它减少了其他程序的可用 memory。 The heap is allocated dynamically and may grow as needed.堆是动态分配的,可以根据需要增长。
  • Unless your compiler knows how to do it and you compile with appropriate options, your program will not detect memory overflows, which may arise from programming errors or wrong assumptions.除非您的编译器知道如何执行此操作并且您使用适当的选项进行编译,否则您的程序将不会检测到 memory 溢出,这可能是由编程错误或错误假设引起的。

Advantages of using the stack:使用堆栈的优点:

  • Writing less code.编写更少的代码。
  • Automatic freeing allocated space when the object on the stack quits its life.当堆栈上的 object 退出其生命周期时,自动释放分配的空间。

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