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在链表上插入 function 不起作用

[英]insert function on a linked list doesn't work

The insert function on my single linked list doesn't work.在我的单链表上插入 function 不起作用。 I've narrowed down the problem to the while loop statement.我已将问题缩小到 while 循环语句。 Since the statement has an AND operator, the entire statement either evaluates to true or false .由于该语句具有 AND 运算符,因此整个语句的计算结果为truefalse while(value > nodePointer->value && nodePointer != nullptr) this is what I wrote, and it doesnt work while(value > nodePointer->value && nodePointer != nullptr)这是我写的,它不起作用

while(nodePointer != nullptr && value > nodePointer->value) I tried this and it DOES work, but I dont know why while(nodePointer != nullptr && value > nodePointer->value)我试过了,它确实有效,但我不知道为什么

if its all going to evaluate to true or false, why does the order matter?如果这一切都将评估为真或假,那么为什么顺序很重要?

class NumberList


   struct listNode
       double value;
       struct listNode *next;

   listNode *head;


       head = nullptr;

   void appendNode(double);
   void insertNode(double);
   void deleteNode(double);
   void displayNode();

void NumberList::insertNode(double value)
   listNode* newNode;
   listNode* nodePointer;
   listNode* previousPointer;
   newNode = new listNode;
   newNode->value = value;
   newNode->next = nullptr;

   if (!head) //if nothing in the list
       head = newNode;
       newNode->next = nullptr;
       cout << "check1" << endl;

       nodePointer = head; //initial placement and reset
       previousPointer = nullptr;
       cout << "check2" << endl;

       while (value > nodePointer->value && nodePointer != nullptr)
           previousPointer = nodePointer;
           nodePointer = nodePointer->next;
           cout << "check3" << endl;

       if (previousPointer == nullptr) //if the value needs to be inserted at the front
           head = newNode; //head points to newly instered node
           newNode->next = nodePointer;//newly insterted node points to the next node 
           cout << "check4" << endl;
       else//everywhere else

           previousPointer->next = newNode;
           newNode->next = nodePointer;
           cout << "check5" << endl;
while (value > nodePointer->value && nodePointer != nullptr)

When nodePointer reaches the end of the road and becomes NULL , the above condition will check nodePointer->value first, before checking whether nodePointer is NULL .nodePointer到达路的尽头变成NULL时,上述条件会先检查nodePointer->value然后再检查nodePointer是否为NULL This is not going to end well.这不会有好的结局。

You need to check for the NULL pointer as the first order of business here, and before doing anything else with it, like wondering what's the value of the object it's pointing to.您需要检查NULL指针作为这里的首要业务,然后再对它进行任何其他操作,例如想知道它指向的 object 的value是多少。 The && operator evaluates the left-hand side first , and only evaluates the right hand side if it needs to. &&运算符首先评估左侧,并且仅在需要时评估右侧。 If the left-hand side is false , the right-hand side is not evaluated.如果左侧为false ,则不评估右侧。 That's how it works.这就是它的工作原理。

if its all going to evaluate to true or false,`如果这一切都将评估为真或假,`

That's your mistake, it's not all going to be evaluated.那是你的错误,它不会被评估。 In the expression A && B if A evaluates to false then B will not be evaluated at all.在表达式A && B中,如果A计算结果为 false,则根本不会计算B This is sometimes called short circuit evaluation .这有时称为短路评估

Now look at your two versions when nodePointer is null.现在看看你的两个版本, nodePointer是 null。

while (value > nodePointer->value && nodePointer != nullptr)

In this case nodePointer->value causes an error, you can't dereference a null pointer.在这种情况下nodePointer->value会导致错误,您不能取消引用 null 指针。 Now the other version现在另一个版本

while (nodePointer != nullptr && value > nodePointer->value)

In this code nodePointer != nullptr is false so value > nodePointer->value is not evaluated, so it does not cause an error.在此代码nodePointer != nullptr为 false,因此value > nodePointer->value不会被评估,因此不会导致错误。 That's the difference.这就是区别。

A similar rule applies to A || B类似的规则适用于A || B A || B . A || B In this expression if A evaluates to true B will not be evaluated at all.在这个表达式中,如果A计算结果为真,则B根本不会被计算。

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