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如何修复这些 Unity 错误?

[英]How to fix these Unity errors?

I recently switched out some arrays for Lists in most of my scripts as they are easier to use.我最近在我的大多数脚本中为列表切换了一些 arrays,因为它们更易于使用。 The problem though is that brought out some new errors.但问题是带来了一些新的错误。 They are:他们是:

  1. InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; InvalidOperationException:集合已修改; enumeration operation may not execute.枚举操作可能无法执行。
  2. ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. ArgumentOutOfRangeException:索引超出范围。 Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.必须是非负数且小于集合的大小。

According to the errors, the problem is on line 96 of the Gorean Turret and line 37 of the POW_Camp.根据错误,问题出在 Gorean Turret 的第 96 行和 POW_Camp 的第 37 行。 A couple other scrips also have that issue, but if I figure out what's wrong with these two I should be able to figure out how to fix the rest.其他几个脚本也有这个问题,但如果我弄清楚这两个有什么问题,我应该能够弄清楚如何修复 rest。

I searched up what to do about these errors and found a couple solutions.我搜索了如何处理这些错误并找到了几个解决方案。 I changed the foreach loops to for (var i=0;) style loops.我将 foreach 循环更改为 for (var i=0;) 样式循环。 This was supposed to work, but unfortunately not.这应该有效,但不幸的是没有。

My problem is how do I fix these errors.我的问题是如何修复这些错误。 How do I need to change my scripts so there are no errors.我如何需要更改我的脚本以确保没有错误。 As a side note, if you find something that can be shortened, please tell me.作为旁注,如果您发现可以缩短的内容,请告诉我。 I have a feeling that the code is also longer than it needs to be.我有一种感觉,代码也比它需要的长。

Here is the POW_Camp Script:这是 POW_Camp 脚本:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class POW_Camp : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject AmmunitionsDump;
    public GameObject Explosion;
    public GameObject Fences;
    public List<GameObject> Prisoners;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (AmmunitionsDump.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth<=0)
        //If the ammunitiondump is destroyed then destroy fences
        if (AmmunitionsDump.activeSelf == false)
            //Activate POWs
            for (var i=0;i<Prisoners.Count; i++)
                if (Prisoners[i] == null)
                if (Prisoners[i] != null)
                    Prisoners[i].GetComponent<PlayerData>().Captured = false;

Here is the GoreanTurret Script:这是 GoreanTurret 脚本:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class GoreanTurret : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject Projectile;
    public GameObject FiringPoint;
    public GameObject GunTower;

    public GameObject HealthBar;
    public List<GameObject> TargetsWithinRange = new List<GameObject>();
    public float FiringRange = 100;
    public GameObject CurrentTarget;
    public bool TargetLocked;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        InvokeRepeating("Shoot", 1, 0.5f);
        HealthBar.GetComponent<Slider>().maxValue = gameObject.GetComponent<Health>().MaxHealth;
        HealthBar.GetComponent<Slider>().value = gameObject.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        FindTargetsWithinRange(FiringRange, TargetsWithinRange);
        TargetManager(TargetsWithinRange, FiringRange);
        HealthBar.GetComponent<Slider>().value = gameObject.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth;
        //Look at Target if Target is Locked
        if (TargetLocked)
        // If target is destroyed then set targetLocked to false and target to null;
        if (CurrentTarget != null)
            if (CurrentTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth <= 0)
                TargetLocked = false;
                CurrentTarget = null;
        // If one of the targets in the target list is destroyed then remove that
        foreach (GameObject possibleTarget in TargetsWithinRange)
            if (possibleTarget == null || possibleTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth<=0 || possibleTarget.GetComponent<Health>()==null)
        if (CurrentTarget == null)
            TargetLocked = false;
            CurrentTarget = null;

        // If target is lost and there are still targets, then switch target
        if (TargetLocked == false && (CurrentTarget == null || CurrentTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth<0) && TargetsWithinRange.Count>0)
            if (TargetsWithinRange[0] != null)
                CurrentTarget = TargetsWithinRange[0];
                TargetLocked = true;

    void FindTargetsWithinRange(float range, List<GameObject> TargetList)
        Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(gameObject.transform.position, range);
        foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
            if (collider.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerData>())
                if (collider.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerData>().Captured == false && TargetList.Contains(collider.gameObject) == false)
    void TargetManager(List<GameObject> TargetList, float MaxRange)
        for (var i = 0; i < TargetList.Count; i++)
            //If the Target is null or inactive then remove that target or if it has no health
            if (TargetList[i] == null || TargetList[i].activeSelf == false || TargetList[i].GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth <= 0)
                if (TargetList[i] == CurrentTarget)
                    TargetLocked = false;
            //If the target is too far
            if (Vector3.Distance(gameObject.transform.position, TargetList[i].transform.position) > MaxRange)
                if (TargetList[i] == CurrentTarget)
                    CurrentTarget = null;
                    TargetLocked = false;

        //If there is no target and the TargetLocked is false then Set a new target
        if (CurrentTarget == null && TargetLocked == false && TargetList.Count > 0)
            CurrentTarget = TargetList[0];
            TargetLocked = true;

        // If target is destroyed then set targetLocked to false and target to null;
        if (CurrentTarget != null && CurrentTarget.activeSelf == true && CurrentTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth > 0)
            if (CurrentTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth <= 0)
                TargetLocked = false;
                CurrentTarget = null;

    public void Shoot()
        if (TargetLocked == true)
            Instantiate(Projectile, FiringPoint.transform.position, FiringPoint.transform.rotation);

In both your classes you have loops where you are removing elements from your collections while you are iterating over them.在您的两个类中,您都有循环,您在迭代它们时从 collections 中删除元素。

The first one causes the ArgumentOutOfRangeException because after removing certain amount of elements you will iterate until reaching an index that is too high since your list/array is smaller now!第一个导致ArgumentOutOfRangeException因为在删除一定数量的元素后,您将迭代直到达到一个太高的索引,因为您的列表/数组现在更小了!

The other exception is pretty self-explanatory: You alter the collection while iterating over it with a foreach .另一个例外是不言自明的:您在使用foreach迭代集合时更改集合。

You can solve both cases using Linq Where in order to filter out the null entries (requires using System.Linq; on top of your file)您可以使用Linq 解决这两种情况, Where为了过滤掉null条目(需要using System.Linq;在文件顶部)

// in general use the bool operator of UnityEngine.Object
// never do check for "== null" !
Prisoners = Prisoners.Where(p =>  p).ToList();
// This basically equals doing something like
//var p = new List<GameObject>();
//foreach(var prisoner in Prisoners)
//    if(prisoner) p.Add(prisoner);
//Prisoners = p;

foreach (var prisoner in Prisoners.Count)
    prisoner.GetComponent<PlayerData>().Captured = false;

Exactly the same thing can be done in your second script完全相同的事情可以在你的第二个脚本中完成

// so first again we use the bool operator to check if the element target "existed
// then directly use TryGetComponent instead of GetComponent twice
// your order to check also made little sense ;) you should first Check 
// the existence of the component before accessing a value
TargetsWithinRange = TargetsWithinRange.Where(target => target && target.TryGetComponent<Health>(out var health) && health.CurrentHealth > 0).ToList();

Alternatively if it is important that the collection itself stays the same reference you could use RemoveAll instead like或者,如果集合本身保持相同的引用很重要,您可以使用RemoveAll代替,例如

Prisoners.RemoveAll(prisoner => ! prisoner);

and accordingly in your other script并相应地在您的其他脚本中

TargetsWithinRange.RemoveAll(target => !target || !target.TryGetComponent<Health>(out var h) || h.CurrentHealth <= 0);

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