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如何修復這些 Unity 錯誤?

[英]How to fix these Unity errors?

我最近在我的大多數腳本中為列表切換了一些 arrays,因為它們更易於使用。 但問題是帶來了一些新的錯誤。 他們是:

  1. InvalidOperationException:集合已修改; 枚舉操作可能無法執行。
  2. ArgumentOutOfRangeException:索引超出范圍。 必須是非負數且小於集合的大小。

根據錯誤,問題出在 Gorean Turret 的第 96 行和 POW_Camp 的第 37 行。 其他幾個腳本也有這個問題,但如果我弄清楚這兩個有什么問題,我應該能夠弄清楚如何修復 rest。

我搜索了如何處理這些錯誤並找到了幾個解決方案。 我將 foreach 循環更改為 for (var i=0;) 樣式循環。 這應該有效,但不幸的是沒有。

我的問題是如何修復這些錯誤。 我如何需要更改我的腳本以確保沒有錯誤。 作為旁注,如果您發現可以縮短的內容,請告訴我。 我有一種感覺,代碼也比它需要的長。

這是 POW_Camp 腳本:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class POW_Camp : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject AmmunitionsDump;
    public GameObject Explosion;
    public GameObject Fences;
    public List<GameObject> Prisoners;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (AmmunitionsDump.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth<=0)
        //If the ammunitiondump is destroyed then destroy fences
        if (AmmunitionsDump.activeSelf == false)
            //Activate POWs
            for (var i=0;i<Prisoners.Count; i++)
                if (Prisoners[i] == null)
                if (Prisoners[i] != null)
                    Prisoners[i].GetComponent<PlayerData>().Captured = false;

這是 GoreanTurret 腳本:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class GoreanTurret : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject Projectile;
    public GameObject FiringPoint;
    public GameObject GunTower;

    public GameObject HealthBar;
    public List<GameObject> TargetsWithinRange = new List<GameObject>();
    public float FiringRange = 100;
    public GameObject CurrentTarget;
    public bool TargetLocked;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        InvokeRepeating("Shoot", 1, 0.5f);
        HealthBar.GetComponent<Slider>().maxValue = gameObject.GetComponent<Health>().MaxHealth;
        HealthBar.GetComponent<Slider>().value = gameObject.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        FindTargetsWithinRange(FiringRange, TargetsWithinRange);
        TargetManager(TargetsWithinRange, FiringRange);
        HealthBar.GetComponent<Slider>().value = gameObject.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth;
        //Look at Target if Target is Locked
        if (TargetLocked)
        // If target is destroyed then set targetLocked to false and target to null;
        if (CurrentTarget != null)
            if (CurrentTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth <= 0)
                TargetLocked = false;
                CurrentTarget = null;
        // If one of the targets in the target list is destroyed then remove that
        foreach (GameObject possibleTarget in TargetsWithinRange)
            if (possibleTarget == null || possibleTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth<=0 || possibleTarget.GetComponent<Health>()==null)
        if (CurrentTarget == null)
            TargetLocked = false;
            CurrentTarget = null;

        // If target is lost and there are still targets, then switch target
        if (TargetLocked == false && (CurrentTarget == null || CurrentTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth<0) && TargetsWithinRange.Count>0)
            if (TargetsWithinRange[0] != null)
                CurrentTarget = TargetsWithinRange[0];
                TargetLocked = true;

    void FindTargetsWithinRange(float range, List<GameObject> TargetList)
        Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(gameObject.transform.position, range);
        foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
            if (collider.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerData>())
                if (collider.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerData>().Captured == false && TargetList.Contains(collider.gameObject) == false)
    void TargetManager(List<GameObject> TargetList, float MaxRange)
        for (var i = 0; i < TargetList.Count; i++)
            //If the Target is null or inactive then remove that target or if it has no health
            if (TargetList[i] == null || TargetList[i].activeSelf == false || TargetList[i].GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth <= 0)
                if (TargetList[i] == CurrentTarget)
                    TargetLocked = false;
            //If the target is too far
            if (Vector3.Distance(gameObject.transform.position, TargetList[i].transform.position) > MaxRange)
                if (TargetList[i] == CurrentTarget)
                    CurrentTarget = null;
                    TargetLocked = false;

        //If there is no target and the TargetLocked is false then Set a new target
        if (CurrentTarget == null && TargetLocked == false && TargetList.Count > 0)
            CurrentTarget = TargetList[0];
            TargetLocked = true;

        // If target is destroyed then set targetLocked to false and target to null;
        if (CurrentTarget != null && CurrentTarget.activeSelf == true && CurrentTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth > 0)
            if (CurrentTarget.GetComponent<Health>().CurrentHealth <= 0)
                TargetLocked = false;
                CurrentTarget = null;

    public void Shoot()
        if (TargetLocked == true)
            Instantiate(Projectile, FiringPoint.transform.position, FiringPoint.transform.rotation);

在您的兩個類中,您都有循環,您在迭代它們時從 collections 中刪除元素。



您可以使用Linq 解決這兩種情況, Where為了過濾掉null條目(需要using System.Linq;在文件頂部)

// in general use the bool operator of UnityEngine.Object
// never do check for "== null" !
Prisoners = Prisoners.Where(p =>  p).ToList();
// This basically equals doing something like
//var p = new List<GameObject>();
//foreach(var prisoner in Prisoners)
//    if(prisoner) p.Add(prisoner);
//Prisoners = p;

foreach (var prisoner in Prisoners.Count)
    prisoner.GetComponent<PlayerData>().Captured = false;


// so first again we use the bool operator to check if the element target "existed
// then directly use TryGetComponent instead of GetComponent twice
// your order to check also made little sense ;) you should first Check 
// the existence of the component before accessing a value
TargetsWithinRange = TargetsWithinRange.Where(target => target && target.TryGetComponent<Health>(out var health) && health.CurrentHealth > 0).ToList();


Prisoners.RemoveAll(prisoner => ! prisoner);


TargetsWithinRange.RemoveAll(target => !target || !target.TryGetComponent<Health>(out var h) || h.CurrentHealth <= 0);


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