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Lua - “字符串到十六进制”和“十六进制到字符串”公式

[英]Lua - ‘String to Hex’ and ‘Hex to String’ formulas

I've tried to keep various examples of Lua code I've come across to re-use, with strtohex() and hextostr() being one an example, but I can only find strToHex() - below..我试图保留我遇到的 Lua 代码的各种示例以重复使用,其中 strtohex() 和 hextostr() 就是一个示例,但我只能在下面找到 strToHex()。

local s = "175"
local function strToHex(s)
  local bytes = {}
  for i=1,s:len()  do
    bytes[#bytes+1] = ('%2x'):format(s:byte(i,i))
  return table.concat(bytes, ' ')
  --return table.concat(bytes, '')

Does anyone have a example of hextostr() they could share?有没有人可以分享一个 hextostr() 的例子?

local function hexdecode(hex)
   return (hex:gsub("%x%x", function(digits) return string.char(tonumber(digits, 16)) end))

local function hexencode(str)
   return (str:gsub(".", function(char) return string.format("%2x", char:byte()) end))

print(hexdecode(hexencode("Hello, World!")))

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