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[英]How to convert a string (hex decimal string) to uint64 in Lua?

I need to convert a sip callId (eg. 1097074724_100640573@8.8,8.8) string into requestId and I am using sha1 digest to get a hash. 我需要将一个sip callId(例如1097074724_100640573 @ 8.8,8.8)字符串转换为requestId,并且我正在使用sha1摘要来获取哈希。 I need to convert this hex-decimal into uint64_t due to internal compatibility: 由于内部兼容性,我需要将此十六进制小数转换为uint64_t:

-- Obtain request-id from callId
--  Returns hash
function common_get_request_id( callId )
   local command = "echo -n \"" .. callId .. "\" | openssl sha1 | sed 's/(stdin)= //g'"
   local handle = assert( io.popen( command, "r" ) )
   local output = handle:read( "*all" )
   local outputHash = string.gsub(output, "\n", "") -- strip newline

   -- How to convert outputHash to uint64?  

I am not sure about uint64 support in Lua. 我不确定Lua中的uint64支持。 Also, how to do the conversion? 另外,如何进行转换?

You can receive two 32-bit integer numbers from Lua as two "double" values and convert them to one "uint64" on C side. 您可以从Lua接收两个32位整数作为两个“双精度”值,并将它们转换为C端的一个“ uint64”。

outputHash = '317acf63c685455cfaaf1c3255eeefd6ca3c5571'

local p = 4241942993 -- some prime below 2^32
local c1, c2 = 0, 0

for a, b in outputHash:gmatch"(%x)(%x)" do
   c1 = (c1 * 16 + tonumber(a, 16)) % p
   c2 = (c2 * 16 + tonumber(b, 16)) % p

return c1, c2  -- both numbers 0..(2^32-1)

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