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如何使用未指定的 arguments 与拍手

[英]How to use unspecified arguments with clap

I want to create a CLI application using the clap library.我想使用 clap 库创建一个 CLI 应用程序。 The problem I have is that I want to use my application like this:我遇到的问题是我想像这样使用我的应用程序:

./my_app file.txt read2.txt -d

The objective is that I can recover in my program in the form of Vec with file.txt read2.txt values.目标是我可以在我的程序中以具有file.txt read2.txt值的Vec形式恢复。

my code:我的代码:

use clap::{App, load_yaml};

enum EFlag {

pub struct Flag {
    debug: EFlag,

impl Flag {
    pub fn new() -> Flag {
        Flag {
            debug: EFlag::None,

    pub fn fill_flag(&mut self) {
        let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yaml");
        let matches = App::from(yaml).get_matches();

        match matches.is_present("debug") {
            true => self.debug = EFlag::Debug,
            _ => self.debug = EFlag::None,
        // HERE I WANT TO RECEIVE file.txt file2.txt
fn main() {
    let mut flag = Flag::new();

I use the beta version of clap to create a yaml file to manage the flags.我使用 clap 的 beta 版本创建了一个 yaml 文件来管理标志。

the yaml file: yaml 文件:

name: bs-script
version: "1.0.0"
author: Clement B. <clement.bolin@epitech.eu>
about: Write perform, secure and easy script with an Rust script interpretor
  - debug:
      short: d
      long: debug
      about: display debug information

To have an argument accept zero-to-many values, you just need to specify multiple: true .要让参数接受零对多的值,您只需要指定multiple: true

- files:
    multiple: true

Then to obtain the files you'd use values_of() along with a collect::<Vec<&str>>() :然后获取您将使用values_of()以及collect::<Vec<&str>>()的文件:

if let Some(files) = matches.values_of("files") {
    let files = files.collect::<Vec<_>>();

    println!("{:?}", files);

// Prints nothing                     for `cargo run -- -d`
// Prints `["file.txt"]`              for `cargo run -- file.txt -d`
// Prints `["file.txt", "read2.txt"]` for `cargo run -- file.txt read2.txt -d`

Here's the complete cli.yaml :这是完整的cli.yaml

name: bs-script
version: "1.0.0"
author: Clement B. <clement.bolin@epitech.eu>
about: Write perform, secure and easy script with an Rust script interpretor
  - files:
      multiple: true
      about: Files
  - debug:
      short: d
      long: debug
      about: display debug information

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