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clap 默认值 - 如何使用它

[英]clap default value - how to use it

Playing with Rusts clap crate for the first time.第一次玩 Rusts 拍板箱。 And I wonder how to use the default value of a command line option, when the option was not specified at the command line.而且我想知道如何在命令行未指定选项时使用命令行选项的默认值。

Given I specified a default_value in the yaml file (see snippet below), I expected the matches.value_of("VERBOSE") to return the default value if there is no other value given in the command line.鉴于我在 yaml 文件中指定了一个default_value (参见下面的代码段),如果命令行中没有给出其他值,我希望matches.value_of("VERBOSE")返回默认值。

Instead, I get:相反,我得到:

thread 'main' panicked at 'called Option::unwrap() on a None value', src/main.rs:18:6线程“主”在“在None值上调用Option::unwrap() ”时惊慌失措,src/main.rs:18:6

I was googling for a while but it seems, no one really gives a canonical example of how it is supposed to work.我在谷歌上搜索了一段时间,但似乎没有人真正给出一个规范的例子来说明它应该如何工作。

  - config:
      short: c
      long: config
      value_name: CONFIG
      help: Specifies the config file to use.
      takes_value: true
      default_value: ""
  - verbose:
      short: v
      long: verbose
      value_name: VERBOSE
      help: Sets verbosity. 0 = silent, > 0 = verbose.
      takes_value: true
      default_value: "1"

Here, my feeble attempt... compiling but not working (panics if empty command line is used).在这里,我的微弱尝试......编译但无法正常工作(如果使用空命令行,则会出现恐慌)。

// ...
    let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yml");
    let matches = App::from_yaml(yaml).get_matches();
    let verbosity =
    .and_then(|s| s.parse::<u8>().ok())

As this obviously does not use the default values, my simple question is: How do I do it right?由于这显然不使用默认值,所以我的简单问题是:我该怎么做?

The problem is you either have a small misconception about what value_name (which is used only for the CLI help option) is, or you missed, that the argument names are case sensitive.问题是您要么对value_name (仅用于 CLI 帮助选项)有一个小小的误解,要么您错过了参数名称区分大小写的想法。

You have two options to make this work as expected:您有两种选择可以使这项工作按预期进行:

  1. Use the lowercase argument name as specified in the YAML (change.rs):使用 YAML (change.rs) 中指定的小写参数名称:


  - config:
      short: c
      long: config
      value_name: CONFIG
      help: Specifies the config file to use.
      takes_value: true
      default_value: "1"
  - verbose:
      short: v
      long: verbose
      value_name: VERBOSE
      help: Sets verbosity. 0 = silent, > 0 = verbose.
      takes_value: true
      default_value: "1"

Rust: Rust:

use clap::{load_yaml, App};

fn main() {
    let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yml");
    let matches = App::from_yaml(yaml).get_matches();
    let verbosity =
    .and_then(|s| s.parse::<u8>().ok())
    println!("{}", verbosity);
  1. Use the uppercase name as specified in the Code (change.yaml): YAML:使用代码 (change.yaml) 中指定的大写名称:YAML:
  - config:
      short: c
      long: config
      value_name: CONFIG
      help: Specifies the config file to use.
      takes_value: true
      default_value: "1"
      short: v
      long: verbose
      value_name: VERBOSE
      help: Sets verbosity. 0 = silent, > 0 = verbose.
      takes_value: true
      default_value: "1"

Rust Rust

use clap::{load_yaml, App};

fn main() {
    let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yml");
    let matches = App::from_yaml(yaml).get_matches();
    let verbosity =
    .and_then(|s| s.parse::<u8>().ok())
    println!("{}", verbosity);

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