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程序没有给出想要的 output

[英]program not giving desired output

I am new to programming and I am stuck with one of my programming assignments.我是编程新手,我被我的一项编程任务困住了。 please evaluate the given code and let me know the mistakes I have made.请评估给定的代码并让我知道我所犯的错误。 the code is expected to output the number of months required to save up to buy a new house...代码预计为output 最多攒下买新房所需的月数...

total_cost = float(input("cost of house:"))
portion_down_payment= 0.25
current_savings = 0.0
r = .04
annual_salary = float(input("your annual salary is:"))
portion_saved = float(input("portion of income saved:"))   
months = 0

while current_savings <= portion_down_payment*total_cost:
   current_savings = current_savings*r/12 + portion_saved*annual_salary/12
   months = months+1
print("To buy your dream house you gotta wait for",months, "months")

You likely want to add to your savings, not overwrite them:您可能希望增加储蓄,而不是覆盖它们:

current_savings = current_savings*r/12 + portion_saved*annual_salary/12

should be:应该:

current_savings = current_savings + current_savings*r/12 + portion_saved*annual_salary/12

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