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Pylance 在 VSCode Jupyter 笔记本中不起作用

[英]Pylance not working in VSCode Jupyter notebooks

Pylance works for .py files: Pylance 适用于.py文件:

.py 与 pylance

But doesn't work with Jupyter .ipynb notebooks:但不适用于 Jupyter .ipynb笔记本:

.ipynb 与 pylance

I tried saving the .ipynb - same issue.我尝试保存.ipynb - 同样的问题。

How can enable Pylance warnings in my notebooks?如何在我的笔记本中启用 Pylance 警告?

It seems that the Jupyter extension doesn't support Pylance. Jupyter 扩展似乎不支持 Pylance。

I submitted this issue to address this shortcoming:我提交了这个问题来解决这个缺点:

Pylance / Language server support #4307 Pylance / 语言服务器支持 #4307

I had this same problem and fixed by uninstall the jupyter extention and install the latest version of it.我遇到了同样的问题,并通过卸载 jupyter 扩展并安装它的最新版本来解决。

Probably Tom has already solved your problem but if someone else is here looking for help that might solve it.汤姆可能已经解决了您的问题,但如果其他人在这里寻求可能解决问题的帮助。

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