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如何将 VSCode 上的向下箭头设置为 go 到 Jupyter Notebooks 的行尾?

[英]How to make down arrow on VSCode to go to end of line in Jupyter Notebooks?

I'm starting to use VSCode to work with Jupyter Notebooks (I've been using Google Colab before), and the thing that most annoys me is that when I'm at the last line of a cell and press the down arrow, nothing happens.我开始使用 VSCode 来处理 Jupyter Notebooks(我之前一直在使用 Google Colab),最让我烦恼的是,当我在单元格的最后一行并按下向下箭头时,什么也没有发生。 In Google Colab, when you press the down button in the last line, it goes to the end of the line, and it makes me code much faster.在 Google Colab 中,当您按下最后一行的向下按钮时,它会转到行尾,这让我的代码速度更快。

I know that VSCode has a lot of possibilities for customization and configuration, but I don´t have the knowledge for it.我知道 VSCode 有很多自定义和配置的可能性,但我没有这方面的知识。 Is there a way to change that behaviour?有没有办法改变这种行为?

Pressing Ctrl+Down goes to the end of the line, and Ctrl+Up is for the start.按 Ctrl+Down 转到行尾,Ctrl+Up 用于开始。 For more detailed keyboard shortcuts in VS Code, go to the article Visual Studio Code Key Bindings有关 VS Code 中更详细的键盘快捷键,go 到文章 Visual Studio Code Key Bindings

For cursor to go from the beginning of the last line to the end of it when pressing arrow down (↓) instead of jumping to the next cell you should open Keyboard Shortcuts (File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts [Ctrl+K Ctrl+S]) and remove or change bindings for "Notebook: Focus Next Cell Editor".对于 cursor 到 go,当按下向下箭头 (↓) 而不是跳到下一个单元格时,您应该打开键盘快捷键(文件 > 首选项 > 键盘快捷键 [Ctrl+K Ctrl+S] ) 并删除或更改“Notebook: Focus Next Cell Editor”的绑定。 Similarly you should change bindings for "Notebook: Focus Previous Cell Editor" if you want the same functionality for the up arrow (↑).同样,如果您希望向上箭头 (↑) 具有相同的功能,您应该更改“笔记本:聚焦上一个单元格编辑器”的绑定。

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