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Swift forEach 在块内分配

[英]Swift forEach with assignment inside the block

Let's say I have this假设我有这个

var array = [1,2,3]

array.forEach {

It will not loop forever, instead it will print 1, 2 and 3 and afterwards the array has 6 elements: [1,2,3,17,17,17]它不会永远循环,而是打印 1、2 和 3,然后数组有 6 个元素:[1,2,3,17,17,17]

How can this be understood?这怎么能理解?

the array inside the block is a copy of the array the moment i call .append(17) , right?块内的数组是我调用.append(17)时数组的副本,对吗? And then after the loop it's assigned to the array var?然后在循环之后将其分配给数组 var? Or is the copy made before hand?还是事先制作的副本?

which is actually what is going on?这实际上是怎么回事?


var array = [1,2,3]
var arrayCopy: [Int]

array.forEach {

array = arrayCopy

or this:或这个:

var array = [1,2,3]
var arrayCopy = array

arrayCopy.forEach {

Or something else?或者是其他东西?

Intersting observation.有趣的观察。 Second answer looks more accurate when u create a forEach a copy of current array is created and looped through it's elements.当你创建一个 forEach 时,第二个答案看起来更准确,当前数组的副本被创建并循环遍历它的元素。

var array = [1,2,3]
var arrayCopy = array

arrayCopy.forEach {

If u run following code in playground u will get output showing element added to main array for each cycle of the loop如果您在操场上运行以下代码,您将得到 output 显示在循环的每个循环中添加到主数组的元素

var array = [1,2,3]

array.forEach {_ in

//You will get following output 
//[1, 2, 3, 17]
//[1, 2, 3, 17, 17]
//[1, 2, 3, 17, 17, 17]

The first one is accurate and works fine but you have to initialize your arrayCopy as an empty array like below:第一个是准确的并且工作正常,但您必须将您的arrayCopy初始化为一个空数组,如下所示:

var array = [1,2,3]
var arrayCopy: [Int] = []

array.forEach {

array = arrayCopy

Which will give you the same output as you already added the output into your array but this Valid only if you wanna make a copy and put it in your original array.这将为您提供与您已经将 output 添加到您的阵列中相同的 output ,但这仅在您想要复制并将其放入原始阵列时才有效。

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