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[英]How does one remove number values and empty values from an array?

As part of my nightwatchjs testing, I have a dynamic array (in an object) that requires some tweaking.作为我 nightwatchjs 测试的一部分,我有一个动态数组(在一个对象中),需要一些调整。

My current array looks like this;我当前的数组看起来像这样;

{ GenericColour:    [ 'Black',
     31 ] }

but with it being dynamic, it might look slightly different the next time I run the test (a different colour might be added, or a current colour no longer listed, etc.).但由于它是动态的,下次我运行测试时它可能看起来略有不同(可能会添加不同的颜色,或者不再列出当前颜色等)。

What I would like to try and do is remove all the numbers, extra commas, etc. so I'm just left with an array reading (as per the example above);我想尝试做的是删除所有数字、多余的逗号等,所以我只剩下一个数组读数(根据上面的例子);


Is there a way of doing this, either using JavaScript commands or regex?有没有办法做到这一点,或者使用 JavaScript 命令或正则表达式?

You can use Array#filter , using the typeof operator to check if the element is a string.您可以使用Array#filter ,使用typeof运算符来检查元素是否为字符串。

 const arr = [ 'Black', 5059, 'White', 3610, 'Grey', 3281, 'Blue', 2131, 'Silver', 1408, 'Red', 1190, '', 491, 'Yellow', 59, 'Green', 50, 'Orange', 31 ]; const res = arr.filter(x => typeof x === 'string' && x); console.log(res);

You do that with the filter function:您可以使用过滤器 function:

obj = obj.GenericColour.filter(value => typeof value === 'string' )
    int numberArry = []
    arry.forEach(value => if(isNaN(value)) numberArry.push(value));

You can use array.prototype.filter to check for items in the array that are strings, removing all other items eg numbers.您可以使用 array.prototype.filter 来检查数组中的字符串项目,删除所有其他项目,例如数字。 Check the link below for more info.检查下面的链接以获取更多信息。

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter

it can be something like this:它可以是这样的:

array.filter((item) => typeof item === "string"); - this will return a new array with only the strings in the current array: - 这将返回一个新数组,其中仅包含当前数组中的字符串:


Simplest way would be passing isNaN to the filter method.最简单的方法是将 isNaN 传递给 filter 方法。

 const a = [ 'Black', 5059, 'White', 3610, 'Grey', 3281, 'Blue', 2131, 'Silver', 1408, 'Red', 1190, '', 491, 'Yellow', 59, 'Green', 50, 'Orange', 31 ]; const b = a.filter(isNaN); console.log(b);

One way is to filter based on checking length propterty.一种方法是基于检查length属性进行filter

For numbers and '' , the length value is 0 (false).对于数字和'' ,长度值为 0(假)。

 const data = [ '', 'Black', 5059, 'White', 3610, 'Grey', 3281, 'Blue', 2131, 'Silver', 1408, 'Red', 1190, '', 491, 'Yellow', 59, 'Green', 50, 'Orange', 31 ]; const res = data.filter(str => str.length); console.log(res);

There are cases, where one can not reassign a filtered result to the original source reference.在某些情况下,无法将过滤结果重新分配给原始源参考。 Like with...就像...

const arr = [1, 2, 3]; arr = arr.filter(/* ... */);

... which will fail. ...这将失败。 One also might need to deal with properties which are not allowed to be written but of cause still can be mutated.还可能需要处理不允许写入但原因仍然可以变异的属性。

Then one needs a mutating remove approach based on a callback, exactly of the kind that filter asks for, where this callback function is the condition of whether to remove an array item or not.然后需要一种基于回调的变异删除方法,正是filter要求的那种,其中这个回调 function 是是否删除数组项的条件。

 function removeEveryMatchingItemByCondition(arr, condition, target) { target = (target?? null); let idx = arr.length; const copy = Array.from(arr); // Processing the array from RIGHT to LEFT keeps the `idx` always in sync // with both related array items, the one of the mutated and also the one // of the unmutated version of the processed array reference. // Thus the `condition` always gets passed the unmutated shallow copy. while (idx) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(--idx)) { // take a *sparse array* into account. // - keep processing the unmutated shallow copy by the `condition` method. // - arguments list...[elm, idx, arr]... invoked within `target` context. if (condition.call(target, copy[idx], idx, copy)) { arr.splice(idx, 1); // mutate processed array. } } } return arr; // return the mutated array reference. } const sampleObject = { GenericColour: [ 'Black', 5059, 'White', 3610, 'Grey', 3281, 'Blue', 2131, 'Silver', 1408, 'Red', 1190, '', 491, 'Yellow', 59, 'Green', 50, 'Orange', 31 ], }; removeEveryMatchingItemByCondition( sampleObject.GenericColour, // exactly what the OP was asking for in first place. (item => typeof item === 'number' || String(item).trim() === '') ); console.log(sampleObject); removeEveryMatchingItemByCondition( sampleObject.GenericColour, (item => typeof item === 'string') ); console.log(sampleObject);
 .as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%;important: top; 0; }

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