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用 Python 获取连接接口的网络地址

[英]Get network address of connected interface with Python

How could I get the current network address of a specific interface (not the ip address, but the network address)?如何获取特定接口的当前网络地址(不是 ip 地址,而是网络地址)?

For example, if I run the following command on terminal ip a show <interace> | grep inet例如,如果我在终端ip a show <interace> | grep inet ip a show <interace> | grep inet I get a result similar to this.n n ip a show <interace> | grep inet我得到类似于 this.n n的结果

    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlo1
    inet6 fe80::6877:db06:4b23:7a7c/64 scope link noprefixroute 

In this example my current IP address is but the network address (which I am looking for) is .在这个例子中,我当前的 IP 地址是192.168.45.157/24但网络地址(我正在寻找)是192.168.43.0/24

How I would get the network address?我将如何获得网络地址?

The easiest solution is probably to use the netaddr module:最简单的解决方案可能是使用netaddr模块:

>>> x = netaddr.IPNetwork('')
>>> x.cidr

Or you can just convert the address into a 32 bit number, convert the prefix into a bitmask, and then apply to the mask:或者您可以将地址转换为 32 位数字,将前缀转换为位掩码,然后应用于掩码:

>>> import socket
>>> addr = ''
>>> ip, prefix = addr.split('/')
>>> mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << (32-int(prefix))
>>> bin(mask)
>>> ip_bytes = socket.inet_aton(ip)
>>> '.'.join(str(int(x)) for x in struct.pack('>I', struct.unpack('>I', ip_bytes)[0] & mask))

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