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如何使用 .smali 文件轻松理解和修改代码?

[英]How do i work with .smali files to easily understand and modify Codes?

I am using APK Easy Tool to Decompile games and apps in android but it generates.smali files which are difficult for me to understand.我正在使用APK Easy Tool反编译 android 中的游戏和应用程序,但它会生成我难以理解的 .smali 文件。 I do not have much knowledge about.smili code.我对.smili 代码了解不多。

Is there any other way to decompile and edit such android games and apps using.java / kotline / c# etc code same as build before?是否有任何其他方法可以使用.java / kotline / c# 等代码反编译和编辑此类 android 游戏和应用程序? Please help get ride of.smali code.请帮助获取.smali 代码。

.smali files are essentially an assembly reprensentation of the bytecode (Dalvik bytecode) running in Android apps. .smali文件本质上是在 Android 应用程序中运行的字节码(Dalvik 字节码)的程序集表示。 It can be, indeed, quite hard to read.确实,它可能很难阅读。

You can use an open source tool called JADX which will convert this bytecode into .java files.您可以使用一个名为JADX的开源工具,它将这个字节码转换为.java文件。 It works with .apk and .dex files.它适用于.apk.dex文件。

If you don't want to install this software, you can also use an online APK decompiler which also uses JADX to decompile the APK files.如果你不想安装这个软件,你也可以使用在线的APK 反编译器,它也使用 JADX 来反编译 APK 文件。

However, I don't know of any program that converts Dalvik bytecode in other languages such as C# or Kotlin.但是,我不知道有任何程序可以将 Dalvik 字节码转换为其他语言,例如 C# 或 Kotlin。

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