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将 function 参数作为参数传递并将参数传递给该 function?

[英]Passing a function parameter as parameter and passing parameters to that function?

So I am currently programming a game of 3D chess in React javascript.所以我目前正在用 React javascript 编写 3D 国际象棋游戏。 I have a Game class, a Board class, and a Tile class.我有一个游戏 class、一个板子 class 和一个瓷砖 class。 The game class holds all of the boards, and I want it to be where my handleClick method is.游戏 class 包含所有板,我希望它位于我的 handleClick 方法所在的位置。 The board class is a 2D arrays of Tiles, and the Tile class is basically just a colored button.板子 class 是 Tiles 的 2D arrays,而 Tile class 基本上只是一个彩色按钮。

The handle click method needs access to the x and y coordinates of the tile, which I can get from the board class, but I want the method to activate onClick of the button in the tile class.手柄点击方法需要访问磁贴的x和y坐标,我可以从板子class得到,但是我想要方法激活磁贴ZA2F2ED4F8EBC2CBB4C21A29DC40AB61中按钮的onClick。

I want to pass the handleClick method from game to board, keep track of the indicies, and get the function to be called onClick of the Tile.我想将handleClick方法从游戏传递到棋盘,跟踪指标,并获得function被称为Tile的onClick。

class Tile {
  render(onClick) {
    return (

class Board {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {tiles: 
      [[new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile()],
       [new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile()],
       [new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile()],
       [new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile()],
       [new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile()],
       [new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile()],
       [new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile()],
       [new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile(), new Tile()]]

  // loops through all rows and calls render row and returns
  render_board = (onClick) => {
    const board = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < board_stats.height; i++) { 
      board.push(this.render_row(i, onClick));
    return board;

  // loops through all tiles in row and calls render tile
  render_row = (i, onClick) => {
    const row = [];
    for (var j = 0; j < board_stats.width; j++) {
      row.push(this.render_square(i, j, onClick));
    return <div className="board-row"> {row} </div>

  render_tile(i, j, onClick) {
    return <Square
      onClick=/*I want to send the onClick method to the square with the parameters i and j*/

class Game extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      board: new Board()

  handle_click = (i, j) => {
    // Do Stuff

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="game">
        <div className="game-board">
          {this.state.board.render_board(/*I want to send the handle click method here*/)}

I have simplified the code so that it is easier to read.我已经简化了代码,以便于阅读。

I am not sure how to do this.我不知道该怎么做。 I think there may be a way to do this with fat arrow notation, but I am not sure how.我认为可能有一种方法可以用粗箭头符号来做到这一点,但我不确定如何。 Any help would be greatly appreciated任何帮助将不胜感激

To solve your issue, do the following:要解决您的问题,请执行以下操作:

// In Board class
  render_tile(i, j, onClick) {
    return <Square
      onClick={() => onClick(i, j)}

And you could rename the render_board(onClick) method to render({onClick}) , to allow writing您可以将render_board(onClick)方法重命名为render({onClick}) ,以允许编写
<Board onClick={handle_click} /> instead of <Board onClick={handle_click} />而不是
{this.state.board.render_board(/*I want to send the handle click method here*/)} . {this.state.board.render_board(/*I want to send the handle click method here*/)} .
This way you're using React more like it is designed.这样你使用 React 就更像它的设计了。

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