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给定一个具有多个键的 tsibble,tidyverts 是否能够使用每个时间序列的相应 lambda_guerrero 值对每个时间序列进行 box_cox()?

[英]Given a tsibble with more than one key, is tidyverts able to box_cox() each time series using a respective lambda_guerrero value per time series?

My question is: if I had a tsibble with more than one key (n_keys > 1), and either one or more key variables (key_vars >= 1), is the tidyverts suite able to perform a box_cox transformation on each time series (one box_cox transformation per time series) using a respective lambda_guerrero value per time series?我的问题是:如果我有一个包含多个键(n_keys > 1)和一个或多个键变量(key_vars >= 1)的 tsibble,tidyverts 套件是否能够对每个时间序列执行 box_cox 转换(一个每个时间序列的 box_cox 转换)使用每个时间序列的相应 lambda_guerrero 值? Below is my (first) attempt at a minimally reproducible example.下面是我(第一次)尝试一个最小可重现的例子。

For example: I'm wondering if "step 5" is possible using the tidyverts suite without receiving an error.例如:我想知道“步骤 5”是否可以使用 tidyverts 套件而不会收到错误。 Rather than apply lambda1=0.36 to concessional, general, and aggregated, as seen in "step 4" without error, I'd like to apply 0.25 to concessional, 0.66 to general, and 0.36 to aggregated, if possible.与其将 lambda1=0.36 应用于优惠、一般和聚合,如“步骤 4”中所见,没有错误,我想将 0.25 应用于优惠,0.66 应用于一般,0.36 应用于聚合,如果可能的话。

Thank you!谢谢!


step 1: one key, without Transformation:第1步:一键,无需转换:

tsibbledata::PBS %>% summarize(Cost = sum(Cost)) %>% autoplot(Cost)

step 2: one key, with Transformation:第2步:一键,转换:

Siimilar to an example in FPP3 Chapter 3.1.类似于 FPP3 第 3.1 章中的示例。 For reference: https://otexts.com/fpp3/transformations.html供参考: https://otexts.com/fpp3/transformations.html

lambda1 <- tsibbledata::PBS %>% 
summarize(Cost = sum(Cost)) %>%
features(Cost, features = guerrero) %>% 
pull(lambda_guerrero) # [1] 0.3642197

tsibbledata::PBS %>% summarize(Cost = sum(Cost)) %>% autoplot(box_cox(Cost,lambda1))

step 3: three keys, without Transformation:第 3 步:三个键,无需转换:

tsibbledata::PBS %>% aggregate_key(Concession, Cost = sum(Cost)) %>% autoplot(Cost)

step 4: three keys, with one Transformation:第 4 步:三个键,一个转换:

tsibbledata::PBS %>%
aggregate_key(Concession, Cost = sum(Cost)) %>% 

step 5: three keys, with three Transformation:第5步:三个键,三个转换:

lambda2 <- tsibbledata::PBS %>% 
aggregate_key(Concession, Cost = sum(Cost)) %>%
features(Cost, features = guerrero) %>% 
pull(lambda_guerrero) # [1] 0.2518823 0.6577645 0.3642197
A tibble: 3 x 2
Concession   lambda_guerrero
<chr*>                 <dbl>
1 Concessional           0.252
2 General                0.658
3 <aggregated>           0.364

tsibbledata::PBS %>%
  aggregate_key(Concession, Cost = sum(Cost)) %>%
  autoplot(box_cox(Cost,lambda2)) # caused an error

The issue with your last attempt is related to the length of the values inputted into box_cox(Cost, lambda2) .您上次尝试的问题与输入到box_cox(Cost, lambda2)的值的长度有关。 Cost has length 612 (204 observations for 3 series), and lambda2 has length 3. So R will try to replicate the values in lambda2 so that the lengths match (called "recycling"). Cost的长度为 612(3 个系列的 204 个观测值),而lambda2的长度为 3。因此 R 将尝试复制 lambda2 中的值以使长度匹配(称为“回收”)。

However, it does this wrong in this case.但是,在这种情况下它做错了。 It matches Cost[1] with lambda2[1] (correct), Cost[2] with lambda2[2] (incorrect), Cost[3] with lambda2[3] (incorrect), Cost[3] with lambda2[1] (correct), etc. The correct recycling of the parameters is Cost[1:204] uses lambda2[1] , Cost[205:408] with lambda2[2] , and Cost[409:612] with lambda2[3] , so we need to ensure this.它匹配Cost[1]lambda2[1] (正确), Cost[2]lambda2[2] (不正确), Cost[3]lambda2[3] (不正确), Cost[3]lambda2[1] (正确)等。正确回收参数是Cost[1:204]使用lambda2[1]Cost[205:408]使用lambda2[2]Cost[409:612]使用lambda2[3] ,所以我们需要确保这一点。

This can be done with rep(lambda2, each = 204) , however the best/safest approach is to use a join operation.这可以通过rep(lambda2, each = 204)来完成,但是最好/最安全的方法是使用连接操作。 This ensures that the parameter matches the correct series (and prevents issues with row ordering).这可确保参数与正确的系列匹配(并防止出现行排序问题)。 The code below shows how this can be done with left_join() , which matches the lambda values to the data based on the Concession column.下面的代码显示了如何使用left_join()完成此操作,它将 lambda 值与基于 Concession 列的数据相匹配。 Note that the plot doesn't look very good as the transformations (and data) produce values on very different scales.请注意,plot 看起来不太好,因为转换(和数据)在非常不同的尺度上产生值。 To fix this I recommend facetting to produce different y-axis scales for each series (as done below also).为了解决这个问题,我建议为每个系列生成不同的 y 轴刻度(如下所示)。

lambda2 <- tsibbledata::PBS %>%
  aggregate_key(Concession, Cost = sum(Cost)) %>%
  features(Cost, features = guerrero)

#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#>   Concession   lambda_guerrero
#>   <chr*>                 <dbl>
#> 1 Concessional           0.252
#> 2 General                0.658
#> 3 <aggregated>           0.364

tsibbledata::PBS %>%
  aggregate_key(Concession, Cost = sum(Cost)) %>%
  # Add lambda to the dataset, matching based on the key variable
  left_join(lambda2, by = "Concession") %>% 
  autoplot(box_cox(Cost, lambda_guerrero))

tsibbledata::PBS %>%
  aggregate_key(Concession, Cost = sum(Cost)) %>%
  # Add lambda to the dataset, matching based on the key variable
  left_join(lambda2, by = "Concession") %>% 
  autoplot(box_cox(Cost, lambda_guerrero)) + 
  facet_grid(rows = vars(Concession), scales = "free_y")

Created on 2021-01-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)代表 package (v0.3.0) 于 2021 年 1 月 9 日创建

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