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在semantic.dashboard package in R

[英]How do I include more than one fluidRow function when using tabBox in semantic.dashboard package in R

Under dashboardBody I have a tabs function where I need to specify an argument to put under content .dashboardBody下,我有一个tabs function ,我需要在其中指定要放在content下的参数。 I am trying to put two fluidRows so that I have 2 rows each with 2 plots, however the other row is not showing.我正在尝试放置两个fluidRows ,以便我有2行,每行有2个图,但是另一行没有显示。 I have tried using div(fluidRows(), fluidRows()) but the plots end up being arranged in one column instead of two.我尝试使用div(fluidRows(), fluidRows())但这些图最终被排列在一列而不是两列中。

How do I make the content portion of tabs to accept multiple fluidRows so that I can arrange the plots in rows and columns as desired?如何使tabscontent部分接受多个fluidRows行,以便我可以根据需要在行和列中排列图?

Included is a code snippet of what I had done so far.包括到目前为止我所做的代码片段。


ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(color = "black", 
                  title = "Dashboard Demo", 
                  inverted = TRUE),
    size = "", 
    color = "teal",
      menuItem(tabName = "main", "Main", icon = icon("car")),
      menuItem(tabName = "extra", "Extra", icon = icon("table"))
    tabBox(width = 16,
           tabs = list(list(menu = "Section 1", 
                            content = fluidRow(box(width = 8, plotOutput("norm")),
                                               box(width = 8, plotOutput("unif"))),
                            fluidRow(box(width = 8, plotOutput("chisq")),
                                     box(width = 8, plotOutput("unif2")))),
                       list(menu = "Section 2", content = plotOutput("norm2"))
  ), theme = "cerulean"

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$norm <- renderPlot({hist(rnorm(500))})
  output$unif <- renderPlot({hist(runif(500))})
  output$chisq <- renderPlot({hist(rchisq(500,2))})
  output$norm2 <- renderPlot({hist(rnorm(500))})
  output$unif2 <- renderPlot({hist(runif(500))})

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Perhaps you should try fillRow and column() .也许您应该尝试fillRowcolumn()

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(color = "black",
                  title = "Dashboard Demo",
                  inverted = TRUE),
    size = "",
    color = "teal",
      menuItem(tabName = "main", "Main", icon = icon("car")),
      menuItem(tabName = "extra", "Extra", icon = icon("table"))
    semantic.dashboard::tab_box(width = 12,
           tabs = list(list(menu = "Section 1",
                            content = fillRow(column(12, semantic.dashboard::box(width=6, plotOutput("norm")),
                                                         semantic.dashboard::box(width=6, plotOutput("unif"))) ,
                                      column(12, semantic.dashboard::box(width = 5, plotOutput("chisq")),
                                      semantic.dashboard::box(width = 5, plotOutput("unif2"))) ) ),
                       list(menu = "Section 2", content = plotOutput("norm2"))

  ), theme = "cerulean"

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$norm <- renderPlot({hist(rnorm(500))})
  output$unif <- renderPlot({hist(runif(500))})
  output$chisq <- renderPlot({hist(rchisq(500,2))})
  output$norm2 <- renderPlot({hist(rnorm(500))})
  output$unif2 <- renderPlot({hist(runif(500))})

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


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