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无法使用 pybullet 加载 URDF 文件

[英]Cannot load a URDF file using pybullet

i have designed and exported a URDF model of a robot using solidworks and the sw2urdf plugin.我使用solidworks和sw2urdf插件设计并导出了机器人的URDF model。 Now i am trying to load it using pybullet module in python to simulate it and i keep getting the error of:现在我正在尝试使用 python 中的 pybullet 模块加载它来模拟它,我不断收到以下错误:

error: Cannot load URDF file.错误:无法加载 URDF 文件。

Any help would be much appreciated as this doesn't give much information about what might be wrong?任何帮助将不胜感激,因为这并没有提供太多关于可能出错的信息?

Make sure that the urdf file that you created has been connected to obj file.确保您创建的 urdf 文件已连接到 obj 文件。 If you open ufdf file there must be a object link.如果您打开 ufdf 文件,则必须有 object 链接。 <mesh filename=""...> <网格文件名=""...>

firstly you need to entire folder from the export in the directory you using.首先,您需要从您使用的目录中导出整个文件夹。 Secondly make sure all coordinate systems match for the global and each joint between links.其次,确保所有坐标系与全局和链接之间的每个关节相匹配。

This seemed to work for me这似乎对我有用

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