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Electron 按 windows、mac(darwin) 和 linux 上的进程名称杀死进程

[英]Electron kill process by process name on windows, mac(darwin) and linux

How can I kill processes by process names in Windows, Darwin, and Linux ?如何通过 Windows、Darwin 和 Linux 中的进程名称来终止进程 Like, assume the process I need to kill is 'vlc.exe' (basically close the application).就像,假设我需要杀死的进程是'vlc.exe'(基本上关闭应用程序)。

Here is the function I wrote to check whether this process is running or not.这是我写的 function 来检查这个进程是否正在运行。

const isRunning = (query, cb) => {
    let platform = process.platform;
    let cmd = '';
    switch (platform) {
        case 'win32': cmd = `tasklist`; break;
        case 'darwin': cmd = `ps -ax | grep ${query}`; break;
        case 'linux': cmd = `ps -A`; break;
        default: break;
    exec(cmd, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
        stdout = stdout.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '');

        cb({status: stdout.indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1});

I call this function as我将此 function 称为

isRunning('vlc.exe', (vlc) => {
    console.log({ vlc }); // true|false

So, I know that VLC is running or not.所以,我知道 VLC 是否正在运行。 Now I want to close it if it`s running.现在我想在它运行时关闭它。 For windows its taskkill but for darwin and Linux?对于 windows 它的taskkill但对于 darwin 和 Linux? Or is there any other way to kill processes?或者有没有其他方法可以杀死进程?

The PID is in the ps output. PID 在ps output 中。 If pidof is available you could do kill $(pidof vlc) .如果pidof可用,您可以kill $(pidof vlc) Rather than write your own code to figure out PIDs and do the killing, you could also use a well-tested module for the same purpose.与其编写自己的代码来找出 PID 并进行杀戮,不如使用经过良好测试的模块来实现相同的目的。

On macOS and most probably on linux as well.在 macOS 上,很可能也在 linux 上。 process name is VLC .进程名称是VLC System are case sensitive so looking for vlc.exe or vlc will not find any running process.系统区分大小写,因此查找vlc.exevlc将找不到任何正在运行的进程。

you can play around by doing something like你可以通过做类似的事情来玩

kill $(ps aux | grep -i 'vlc' | awk '{print $2}')

which will这将

  • ps aux - look for all process ps aux - 查找所有进程
  • grep -i 'vlc' filter ps out by capturing process with name VLC or vlc (think the -i parameter which force the case insensitive). grep -i 'vlc'通过捕获名称为VLCvlc的进程来过滤 ps(认为 -i 参数强制不区分大小写)。
  • awk '{print $2}' only capture the PID number. awk '{print $2}'仅捕获 PID 号。
  • kill ask the system to graceful stop the process by given PID. kill要求系统通过给定的 PID 优雅地停止进程。

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