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如何将文件从 /user/maria_dev/tutorials/test.csv (HDP) 复制到 /sandbox/tutorial-files/640/nifi/input (HDF)?

[英]How to copy a file from /user/maria_dev/tutorials/test.csv (HDP) to /sandbox/tutorial-files/640/nifi/input (HDF)?

Using Hortonworks HDP 3.0.1 and HDF Sandbox on Docker Desktop在 Docker 桌面上使用 Hortonworks HDP 3.0.1 和 HDF 沙盒

I have logged into HDP, and tried to copy a file from /user/maria_dev/tutorials/test.csv point to HDF's /sandbox/tutorial-files/640/nifi/input BUT this does not work.我已登录 HDP,并尝试将文件从 /user/maria_dev/tutorials/test.csv 复制到 HDF 的 /sandbox/tutorial-files/640/nifi/input 但这不起作用。 How do I go copying a file from HDP to HDF this way with HDFS? go 如何使用 HDFS 以这种方式将文件从 HDP 复制到 HDF?

@jr134 @jr134

Using NiFi, you should configure connection to HDFS and get the files from HDP to HDF via nifi/hdfs processors.使用 NiFi,您应该配置与 HDFS 的连接,并通过 nifi/hdfs 处理器将文件从 HDP 获取到 HDF。 You will need to put the local HDP files into hdfs from local machine.您需要从本地机器将本地 HDP 文件放入 hdfs 中。 Next you need to get copies of hdfs config files (core-site, hdfs-site, etc) and put them on the hdf cluster with permissions for nifi user to read/access.接下来,您需要获取 hdfs 配置文件(核心站点、hdfs 站点等)的副本,并将它们放在具有 nifi 用户读取/访问权限的 hdf 集群上。 Once this is satisfied you need to make sure you have permissions from Nifi to HDFS by making sure nifi user has access to the files.一旦满足这一点,您需要确保您拥有从 Nifi 到 HDFS 的权限,方法是确保 nifi 用户可以访问这些文件。

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