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jps 未列出 tomcat 进程和 jmap 无法创建堆转储

[英]jps not listing tomcat process and jmap fails to create heap dump

I have running tomcat ( server, started by user cpappt and running with pid : 1682650. The machine on which this server runs is not bare metal but a VMware machine and the JVM is from OpenJ9我正在运行 tomcat ( 服务器,由用户cpappt启动并使用pid :1682650 运行。运行此服务器的机器不是裸机,而是VMware机器, JVM来自OpenJ9

> ps -ef | grep Bootstrap
cpappt   1682650       1  0 Jan01 ?        01:09:58 /srv/jdk11/bin/java
  -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -server 
  -Xms32m -Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
  -Dignore.endorsed.dirs= -classpath /srv/test/cpappt/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/srv/test/cpappt/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
  -Djava.io.tmpdir=/srv/test/cpappt/tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

I want to extract a heap dump of the tomcat to analyze a potential memory leak.我想提取 tomcat 的heap dump来分析潜在的 memory 泄漏。

I've tried to use jps to acquire the pid of the tomcat server, unfortunately I only see the pid of jps itself.我试过用jps来获取tomcat服务器的pid ,可惜我只看到jps本身的pid

> jps -l
952152 jdk.jcmd/openj9.tools.attach.diagnostics.tools.Jps

and I'm also running the jps command as the same user that started the tomcat server而且我还以启动 tomcat 服务器的同一用户身份运行jps命令

> whoami 

I've also tried running the jps command, adding the java.io.tmpdir specified in the startup script of the tomcat, which leads to the same result as before (remark: the tmpdir itself is empty).我也尝试过运行jps命令,添加java.io.tmpdirtmpdir的启动脚本中指定,这导致与之前相同的结果。

jps -l -J-Djava.io.tmpdir=/srv/test/cpappt/tomcat/temp

(Additional remark: If I started a small "Foo program", jps is showing me the pid of this program.) (补充说明:如果我启动了一个小的“Foo 程序”, jps会显示该程序的pid 。)

Then I tried to create a heap dump using the pid from the ps command which failed:然后我尝试使用ps命令中的pid创建一个堆转储,但失败了:

> jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=/tmp/dump.hprof 1682650
unrecognized option -dump:live,format=b,file=/tmp/dump.hprof
jmap: obtain heap information about a Java process
    jmap <option>* <vmid>
        <vmid>: Attach API VM ID as shown in jps or other Attach API-based tools
        <vmid>s are read from stdin if none are supplied as arguments
    -histo: print statistics about classes on the heap, including number of objects and aggregate size
    -histo:live : Print only live objects
    -J: supply arguments to the Java VM running jmap
NOTE: this utility might significantly affect the performance of the target VM.
At least one option must be selected.

If I just try to see the histogram, this also fails:如果我只是尝试查看直方图,这也会失败:

> jmap -histo:live 1682650
Error getting data from 1682650: Exception connecting to 1682650

Also jcmd is not able to create the dump: jcmd也无法创建转储:

> jcmd 1682650 GC.heap_dump /tmp/heapdump
Error getting data from 1682650: Exception connecting to 1682650

I somehow suspect that both problems ( jps and jmap ) are related... So, if anyone has an idea what might be the problem or even how I could create the heap dump , that would be great.我不知何故怀疑这两个问题( jpsjmap )是相关的......所以,如果有人知道可能是什么问题,甚至我可以如何创建堆转储,那就太好了。

Additional information from the tomcat server (and java):来自 tomcat 服务器(和 java)的附加信息:

Server version number:
OS Name:               Linux
OS Version:            5.7.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
Architektur:           amd64
Java Home:             /srv/jdk-11.0.8+10_openj9
JVM Version:           11.0.8+10
JVM Hersteller:        Eclipse OpenJ9

> java -version
openjdk version "11.0.8" 2020-07-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.8+10)
Eclipse OpenJ9 VM AdoptOpenJDK (build openj9-0.21.0, JRE 11 Linux amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20200715_697 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
OpenJ9   - 34cf4c075
OMR      - 113e54219
JCL      - 95bb504fbb based on jdk-11.0.8+10)

> which java

> which jps

> which jmap 

Update: 2021-01-09更新:2021-01-09

I finally could get hold of the colleague that knows the password for the jmx user, so using jconsole I was able to trigger a heap dump , but I could only call triggerClassicHeapDump() .我终于可以找到知道 jmx 用户密码的同事,因此使用jconsole我能够触发heap dump ,但我只能调用triggerClassicHeapDump() I copied the file to my local machine and wanted to analyze it with Eclipse MemoryAnalyzer (I've also added the Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java (DTFJ) ).我将文件复制到我的本地机器并想用Eclipse MemoryAnalyzer分析它(我还添加了Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java (DTFJ) )。

But when I try to open the file I now get an error message...但是当我尝试打开文件时,我现在收到一条错误消息......

Error opening heap dump 'heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.txt'. Check the error log for further details.
Error opening heap dump 'heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.txt'. Check the error log for further details.
Error opening heap dump 'heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.txt'
Unable to read dump .../heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.phd metafile .../heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.txt in DTFJ format DTFJ-PHD (java.io.IOException)
Unable to read dump .../heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.phd metafile .../heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.txt in DTFJ format DTFJ-PHD
Error parsing Javacore (java.io.IOException)
Error parsing Javacore
com.ibm.dtfj.javacore.parser.framework.scanner.ScannerException: Maximum line length (32768) exceeded. Input file corrupt or not a javacore. (com.ibm.dtfj.javacore.parser.framework.parser.ParserException)
com.ibm.dtfj.javacore.parser.framework.scanner.ScannerException: Maximum line length (32768) exceeded. Input file corrupt or not a javacore.
Maximum line length (32768) exceeded. Input file corrupt or not a javacore. (com.ibm.dtfj.javacore.parser.framework.scanner.ScannerException)
Maximum line length (32768) exceeded. Input file corrupt or not a javacore.
Unable to read dump .../heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.txt metafile null in DTFJ format DTFJ-Javacore (java.io.IOException)
Unable to read dump .../heapdump.20210119.100934.2621412.0001.txt metafile null in DTFJ format DTFJ-Javacore
Error parsing Javacore (java.io.IOException)
Error parsing Javacore
com.ibm.dtfj.javacore.parser.framework.scanner.ScannerException: Maximum line length (32768) exceeded. Input file corrupt or not a javacore. (com.ibm.dtfj.javacore.parser.framework.parser.ParserException)
com.ibm.dtfj.javacore.parser.framework.scanner.ScannerException: Maximum line length (32768) exceeded. Input file corrupt or not a javacore.
Maximum line length (32768) exceeded. Input file corrupt or not a javacore. (com.ibm.dtfj.javacore.parser.framework.scanner.ScannerException)
Maximum line length (32768) exceeded. Input file corrupt or not a javacore.

I've added -Xdump:heap:events=user (see Xdump Option Builder ) to the startup script of the tomcat and restarted the server.我已将-Xdump:heap:events=user (参见Xdump Option Builder )添加到 tomcat 的启动脚本中并重新启动服务器。

> ps -ef | grep Bootstrap
cpappt   1919301       1 99 14:38 pts/0    00:01:00 /srv/jdk11/bin/java 
 -Xms32m -Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

Now I can create a heap dump using kill -3 <pid> (have a look at superuser: what-does-kill-3-mean ).现在我可以使用kill -3 <pid>创建一个堆转储(看看superuser: what-does-kill-3-mean )。 Two files were created in the catalina.base directory:catalina.base目录中创建了两个文件:

  • javacore.<XXX>.txt (the original thread dump (-3:= SIGQUIT )) and javacore.<XXX>.txt (原始线程转储(-3:= SIGQUIT ))和
  • heapdump.<YYY>.phd (well, the actual heap dump) heapdump.<YYY>.phd (嗯,实际的堆转储)

Finally I was able to open the heapdump.<YYY>.phd file with Eclipse MAT最后我能够使用Eclipse MAT打开heapdump.<YYY>.phd文件

Additional remark: We updated the openj9 version to the current version (23.0).补充说明:我们将openj9版本更新为当前版本(23.0)。

> java -version 
openjdk version "11.0.9" 2020-10-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.9+11)
Eclipse OpenJ9 VM AdoptOpenJDK (build openj9-0.23.0, JRE 11 Linux amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20201022_810 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)

Now jps also does find the tomcat server现在jps也确实找到了 tomcat 服务器

> jps -l
1919301 org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
1921897 jdk.jcmd/openj9.tools.attach.diagnostics.tools.Jps

Also jcmd does work: jcmd也可以工作:

> jcmd 1919301 Dump.heap dump
Dump written to .../tomcat/dump

Also consider using -Xdump:system:events=user as the core file generated has a lot more information - however there are problems with the IBM DTFJ reading core files generated by OpenJ9.还可以考虑使用 -Xdump:system:events=user,因为生成的核心文件包含更多信息 - 但是 IBM DTFJ 读取 OpenJ9 生成的核心文件存在问题。

Memory Analyzer can also generate heap dumps - see File > Acquire Heap Dump but the 'Attach API' and 'Attach API using a Helper JVM' may require some configuration. Memory Analyzer 还可以生成堆转储 - 请参阅文件 > 获取堆转储,但“附加 API”和“使用 Helper JVM 附加 API”可能需要一些配置。 Memory Analyzer 1.12 has some improvements in acquiring heap dumps, so try the latest release. Memory Analyzer 1.12 在获取堆转储方面有一些改进,因此请尝试最新版本。

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