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C 中结构内的动态二维数组

[英]Dynamic 2d array inside struct in C

At first I'd like to say that despite experience with other programming lanugages, I'm new to C and I'm trying my best to understand all of its concepts.首先我想说的是,尽管有其他编程语言的经验,但我是 C 的新手,我正在尽力理解它的所有概念。 I know that dynamic allocation and especially 2d arrays inside structures aren't things that C is good at, but regardless of that I would like to understand how it functions.我知道动态分配,尤其是结构内部的 2d arrays 并不是 C 擅长的事情,但无论如何我都想了解它的功能。

First of all the reason why I'm trying to use a dynamic 2d array instead of two 1d arrays is because I'd like to benefit from the foo[x][y] syntax.首先,我尝试使用动态二维数组而不是两个一维 arrays 的原因是因为我想从 foo[x][y] 语法中受益。 Also array foo[x][y] should change it's size according to what's passed to function that allocates memory for the enitre struct.此外,数组 foo[x][y] 应该根据传递给为整个结构分配 memory 的 function 的内容来更改其大小。

My problem is that I cannot seem to correctly allocate enough memory for array inside a Bus struct.我的问题是我似乎无法为Bus结构内的数组正确分配足够的 memory。 I've been looking around web but I cannot seem to find a working example of such allocation and adapt it to my example.我一直在寻找 web 但我似乎找不到这种分配的工作示例并将其调整为我的示例。 What I've tried so far was: declaring flexible array memeber inside struct and allocating it with 'make_structure' function, to later access it with macro.到目前为止,我尝试过的是:在 struct 中声明灵活的数组成员并使用 'make_structure' function 分配它,以便稍后使用宏访问它。

Current example has the "pointer to a pointer" way of declaring dynamic 2d array.当前示例具有声明动态二维数组的“指向指针的指针”方式。 The program crashes when it's ran.程序运行时崩溃。 Functions:功能:

  • driver function for the example:以驱动 function 为例:
struct Bus *head;
struct Bus *current;
struct Bus *new;
struct Bus *make_structure(int r, int s);

void test() {
    int i, NUM;

    head = make_structure(ROW_SIZE, SEAT_AMOUNT);


  • function for allocating the struct function 用于分配结构
struct Bus *make_structure(int r, int s) {
    int i;
    struct Bus* a;

    a->seats = (int**)calloc(r,sizeof(int*));
    for (i=0;i<r; i++) {
        a->seats[i] = (int*)calloc(s,sizeof(int));

  • the struct itself:结构本身:
struct Bus {
    char name[20];
    int **seats;
    struct Bus *next;

The other two functions present in driver function random_fill_structure and show_structure don't do anything with the seats** array so they shouldn't be the case of programme crashing.驱动程序 function random_fill_structureshow_structure中的其他两个函数对seats**数组没有任何作用,因此它们不应该是程序崩溃的情况。

Edit 1: I've allocated memory for the struct in make_structure function with this line of a=(struct Bus *)malloc(sizeof(struct Bus));编辑 1:我已经为 make_structure function 中的结构分配了make_structure ,这行a=(struct Bus *)malloc(sizeof(struct Bus)); and the programme doesn't crash anymore.并且程序不再崩溃。 Though whenever I'd try to access it inside show_structure like so:尽管每当我尝试像这样在show_structure中访问它时:

        for (i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < SEAT_AMOUNT; j++) {
                printf("[%d]", a->seats[i][j]);

The app will crash as it tries to print the first value of 2d array.该应用程序将在尝试打印 2d 数组的第一个值时崩溃。

Edit 2: Function used to print the structure:编辑2: Function 用于打印结构:

void show_structure() {
    int i, j;
    struct Bus *ptr = head;

    while(ptr != NULL) {
        printf("%s slots: ",ptr->name);
        ptr = ptr->next;
        for (i = 0; i < ROW_SIZE; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < SEAT_AMOUNT; j++) {
                printf("[%d]", ptr->seats[i][j]);

You shoul allocate memory for 'a' before accessing 'a->seats'.在访问“a->seats”之前,您应该为“a”分配 memory。

struct Bus *a = malloc(sizeof *a);

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