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如何检测 Crostini 中的活动 window?

[英]How can I detect the active window in Crostini?

I would like to programmatically detect the active window, and its meta data -- like app name and title -- in Chromebook's Linux Crostini.我想以编程方式检测 Chromebook 的 Linux Crostini 中的活动 window 及其元数据(如应用名称和标题)。 Does anyone know how this can reliably be done?有谁知道如何可靠地做到这一点?

FWIW, I've already tried the following three methods in python that, when combined, provide a full solution for Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch, Manjaro, Mint, etc. But none of them work on Crostini. FWIW,我已经在 python 中尝试了以下三种方法,当它们结合使用时,可以为 Fedora、Ubuntu、Arch、Manjaro、Mint 等提供完整的解决方案。但它们都不适用于 Crostini。

def getAppAndTitle():
    title = ''
    app = ''

        # METHOD 1: Try to get window id info from _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW
        actives = []
            actives = re.findall('0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)', subprocess.check_output("xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", shell=True).decode('utf-8'))
        if len(actives) > 0:
            active_id = int(actives[0], 16)
            if active_id != 0:
                window_strs = ''
                # Get the list of all window names & ids
                    window_strs = subprocess.check_output("wmctrl -lx", shell=True).decode('utf-8')
                for window_str in window_strs.splitlines():
                    acceptable = re.search('^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(.*)$', window_str)
                    if acceptable:
                        acceptable_id = int(acceptable.group(1), 16)
                        if acceptable_id == active_id:
                            app, title = acceptable.group(2).strip(), acceptable.group(3).strip()
    except Exception as e1:

        # METHOD 2: Try to get window info from Wnck
        if not (title and app):
            screen = None
                screen = Wnck.Screen.get_default()
            except Exception as e2:
            if screen:
                active_window = screen.get_active_window()
                if active_window:
                    title = active_window.get_name().strip()
                    app = active_window.get_application().get_name().strip()
    except Exception as e1:

        # METHOD 3: Designed for Wayland
        if not (title and app):
            app_command = ("gdbus call -e -d org.gnome.Shell -o /org/gnome/Shell -m org.gnome.Shell.Eval global.get_window_actors\(\)[`gdbus call -e -d org.gnome.Shell -o /org/gnome/Shell -m org.gnome.Shell.Eval global.get_window_actors\(\).findIndex\(a\=\>a.meta_window.has_focus\(\)===true\) | cut -d\"'\" -f 2`].get_meta_window\(\).get_wm_class\(\)")
            app_process = subprocess.Popen(app_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            app_retval = app_process.stdout.read()
            app_retcode = app_process.wait()
            app_tuple_string = app_retval.decode('utf-8').strip()
            # We now have a string that looks like:
            # (true, "\"Qur'an App"\")
            if app_tuple_string:
                app_tuple_string = app_tuple_string.replace("(true", "(True")
                app_tuple_string = app_tuple_string.replace("(false", "(False")
                # We now have a string that looks like:
                # (True, "\"Qur'an App"\")
                app_tuple = ast.literal_eval(app_tuple_string)
                if len(app_tuple) > 1:
                    app = app_tuple[1]
                    # We now have a string that looks like:
                    # "Qur'an App"
                    if app and isinstance(app, str) and (type(app) is str):
                        app = app.strip()
                        if len(app) > 2:
                            if (app[0:1] == '"' and app[-1] == '"') or (app[0:1] == "'" and app[-1] == "'"):
                                app = ast.literal_eval(app).strip()
                                # We now have a string that looks like:
                                # Qur'an App
                                title_command = ("gdbus call -e -d org.gnome.Shell -o /org/gnome/Shell -m org.gnome.Shell.Eval global.get_window_actors\(\)[`gdbus call -e -d org.gnome.Shell -o /org/gnome/Shell -m org.gnome.Shell.Eval global.get_window_actors\(\).findIndex\(a\=\>a.meta_window.has_focus\(\)===true\) | cut -d\"'\" -f 2`].get_meta_window\(\).get_title\(\)")
                                title_process = subprocess.Popen(title_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
                                title_retval = title_process.stdout.read()
                                title_retcode = title_process.wait()
                                title_tuple_string = title_retval.decode('utf-8').strip()
                                if title_tuple_string:
                                    title_tuple_string = title_tuple_string.replace("(true", "(True")
                                    title_tuple_string = title_tuple_string.replace("(false", "(False")
                                    title_tuple = ast.literal_eval(title_tuple_string)
                                    if len(title_tuple) > 1:
                                        title = title_tuple[1]
                                        if title and isinstance(title, str) and (type(title) is str):
                                            title = title.strip()
                                            if len(title) > 2:
                                                if (title[0:1] == '"' and title[-1] == '"') or (title[0:1] == "'" and title[-1] == "'"):
                                                    title = ast.literal_eval(title)
                                                    if "error:" in app.lower():
                                                        title = ''
                                                        app = ''
    except Exception as e1:
        title = ''
        app = ''
    return app, title

Any thoughts on other ways of doing this?对其他方法有什么想法吗?

I've been able to accomplish this using the following two terminal commands.我已经能够使用以下两个终端命令来完成此操作。

The first gets the tree of running windows.第一个获取运行 windows 的树。

xwininfo -root -tree

The second tells me which of those is the one with focus.第二个告诉我其中哪一个是重点。

xdpyinfo | grep focus

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