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如何基于另一个 model 的实例在 Django 中创建 model,但经过过滤

[英]How to create a model in Django based on the instance of another model, but filtered

I am new to Django, I am searching a way to create a model in Django based on the instance of another model, but filtered.我是 Django 的新手,我正在寻找一种基于另一个 Z20F93C83E374876A61DA0D4D16F36ABZ 的实例在 Django 中创建 model 的方法,但是过滤后的 model。

I have a table called Person, which has name and role, in my models.py:在我的 models.py 中有一个名为 Person 的表,它具有名称和角色:

class Person(models.Model):

id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True) 
name = models.CharField(max_length=100) 
role = models.CharField(max_length=100) 
created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

class Meta:
    db_table = 'person'

What I want is to be able in my admin.py to call some subclass, which will display only actors (role="actors"):我想要的是能够在我的 admin.py 中调用一些子类,它只会显示演员(role="actors"):

class Actor(admin.ModelAdmin):...

Is it possible?可能吗? Or do I have to create one more table only with actors?还是我必须只用演员再创建一张桌子?

I know that I can use list_filter = ('role',) , but this is not what I am searching for, I need actors exclusively.我知道我可以使用list_filter = ('role',) ,但这不是我要寻找的,我只需要演员。

I see solution as something like this:我认为解决方案是这样的:

class Actor(models.Model):
    objects = Person.objects.filter(role='actor')
    class Meta:
        verbose_name = 'actor'


class Actor(Person):
    class Meta:
        verbose_name = 'actor'

That obviousely does not work.这显然是行不通的。

You can use a Proxy model for this:您可以为此使用代理 model:

class ActorManager(models.Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return super().get_queryset().filter(role='actors')

class Actor(Person):
    objects = ActorManager()
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

Proxy models are just a proxy of the inherited model (Person here) ie no new table is created.代理模型只是继承的 model 的代理(Person here),即没有创建新表。 Here we have created a custom manager so that the roles are always filtered.在这里,我们创建了一个自定义管理器,以便始终过滤角色。 Now just register this model to the admin site.现在只需将此 model 注册到管理站点。 References: Proxy Models , Custom Managers参考: 代理模型自定义管理器

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