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我的 Minecraft 服务器上的 Minecraft::tickEntity 有问题

[英]I have a Problem with my Minecraft::tickEntity on my Minecraft Server

Im running a minecraft Server on a: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz I only play with up to 5 friends.我在以下设备上运行我的世界服务器:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz 我最多只能和 5 个朋友一起玩。 I dont know how to fix the "lags" without to use a plugin which limit the mobs.我不知道如何在不使用限制小怪的插件的情况下修复“滞后”。 Here are the timings: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=0fee38d9fe2f4351a7f651e59b8d313f以下是时间: https://timings.aikar.co/?id=0fee38d9fe2f4351a7f651e59b8d313f

Try installing plugins such as ClearLagg , automated restarts and try making the server into onlinemode = true as it performs better.尝试安装诸如ClearLagg 之类的插件, 自动重启并尝试使服务器进入 onlinemode = true ,因为它性能更好。

If you know how to use Java, you can just limit the amount of mobs/entities spawning, then keep checking in a loop if the time == your time you set for example 3 am and run /restart as console.如果您知道如何使用 Java,您可以限制生成的生物/实体的数量,然后如果时间 == 您设置的时间(例如凌晨 3 点)并运行/restart作为控制台,则继续检查循环。

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