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[英]d3 bar chart- How do I automatically change font-size of value so that it fits within bar

I've created a d3 bar chart that shows the values within the bar.我创建了一个 d3 条形图,显示条形内的值。


When a user hovers over a bar it shows the values change to show how all other countries compare to that country.当用户将鼠标悬停在条上时,它会显示值的变化,以显示所有其他国家与该国家的比较情况。 悬停没有问题

However, sometimes the comparison is too large - when it is over 100% or over 1000%.但是,有时比较太大 - 当它超过 100% 或超过 1000% 时。 悬停有问题

I would like to dynamically change the font size so that the value fits the bar width.我想动态更改字体大小,以使该值适合条形宽度。

Ideally, I would like to do this calculation before the value is rendered to prevent re-rendering.理想情况下,我想在渲染值之前进行此计算以防止重新渲染。

The bar width isn't constant.条形宽度不是恒定的。 It depends on the number of countries the user has selected and the user's screen size.这取决于用户选择的国家数量和用户的屏幕大小。

How can I know the width of the value before it is rendered (based on the number of characters it contains) and reduce the font-size so it never takes up more than 95% of the bar width?如何在渲染之前知道值的宽度(基于它包含的字符数)并减小字体大小,使其永远不会占用超过条宽的 95%?

This is my code for rendering the bar:这是我渲染栏的代码:

    function renderVerticalBars(data, measurements, metric, countryID) {

    let selectDataForBarCharts = d3.select("svg")
        .data(data, d => d[countryID])

        .attr('width', measurements.xScale.bandwidth())
        .attr("height", 0)
        .attr('y', d => measurements.yScale(0))
        .on('mouseover', (event, barData) => { displayComparisons(event, barData, data, metric, countryID, measurements); displayToolTip(barData) })
        .on("mousemove", (event) => tooltip.style("top", (event.pageY - 10) + "px").style("left", (event.pageX + 10) + "px"))
        .on('mouseout', () => { removeComparisons(data, metric, countryID, measurements); tooltip.style("visibility", "hidden") })
        .attr("transform", `translate(0, ${measurements.margin.top})`)
        .attr('width', measurements.xScale.bandwidth())
        .attr('x', (d) => measurements.xScale(d[countryID]))
        .attr("height", d => measurements.innerHeight - measurements.yScale(d[metric]))
        .attr("y", (d) => measurements.yScale(d[metric]))
        .attr("fill", d => setBarColor(d))
        .on("end", () => renderValuesInBars(data, metric, countryID, measurements, [], countriesDownloaded))

        .transition().duration(500).attr("height", 0).attr("y", d => measurements.yScale(0)).remove()

and this is the code for rendering the values in the bar:这是在栏中呈现值的代码:

function renderValuesInBars(data, metric, countryID, measurements, barData, countriesDownloaded) {

function calculateFontSize(data) {

        return ((.25 / data.length) * Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth || 0, window.innerWidth || 0)).toString()

let values = d3.select("svg")
    .data(data, d => d[countryID])


    .attr("y", 0)
    .style("opacity", "1")
    .attr("class", metric)
    .attr('text-anchor', setTextAnchor())
    .attr('alignment-baseline', setAlignmentBaseline())
    .attr('data-countryCode', d => d.countryCode)
    .attr("x", countryData => setXValue(countryData, measurements, countryID))
    .attr("y", countryData => setYValue(countryData, measurements, metric))
    .style("fill", countryData => setColor(countryData, barData))
    .style("font-size", calculateFontSize(data))
    .text(countryData => decideTextToReturn(countryData))
    .on('mouseover', (event) => makeBarHover(event))
    .on('mouseout', (event) => { stopBarHover(event); tooltip.style("visibility", "hidden") })
    .on("mousemove", (event) => tooltip.style("top", (event.pageY - 10) + "px").style("left", (event.pageX + 10) + "px"))
    .on("end", () => checkValueSize)


} }

Try changing your font-size to:尝试将您的字体大小更改为:

.style("font-size", measurements.xScale.bandwidth()+'%')

This will scale your font size to match your bar width.这将缩放您的字体大小以匹配您的条形宽度。

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