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模拟 gRPC 响应 Stream 用于单元测试 - C#

[英]Mock gRPC Response Stream for unit testing - C#

I have a function that calls a gRPC endpoint, converts the objects into POCO objects and returns them as a list.我有一个 function 调用 gRPC 端点,将对象转换为 POCO 对象并将它们作为列表返回。

public class ActionPlanConnectionsService : IConnectionService
            #region Fields
            /// <summary>
            /// Grpc client
            /// </summary>
            private readonly ConnectionDb.ConnectionDbClient _client;
            public ActionPlanConnectionsService(ConnectionDb.ConnectionDbClient channel)
                _client = channel;
            public async Task<IEnumerable<Connection>> Get(int actionPlanId, int implementation)
               List<Connection> diagramConnections = new List<Connection>();
               GetConnectionsByIdAndImplementationMessage message = new GetConnectionsByIdAndImplementationMessage
                   ActionPlanId = actionPlanId,
                   Implementation = implementation
               using var call = _client.GetAllConnections(message);
               await foreach (ConnectionServiceModel connection in call.ResponseStream.ReadAllAsync())
                   // Never enters here as ResponseStream has no elements when unit testing!!
                   diagramConnections.Add(new Connection(
                       connection.FromActionPlanStepId, connection.ToActionPlanStepId, connection.ActionPlanId,
                       connection.Qualifier, connection.Implementation, connection.Path));
               return diagramConnections;

I have been developing a unit test for this function but the list returned always has a count of zero.我一直在为此 function 开发单元测试,但返回的列表始终计数为零。 This is because the ResponseStream has no elements inside of it.这是因为 ResponseStream 内部没有元素。

How can I mock the ResponseStream?如何模拟 ResponseStream?

My unit test so far:到目前为止我的单元测试:

        public async Task GetConnectionsTest()
            // Arrange
            Mock<ConnectionDb.ConnectionDbClient> mockClient = new Mock<ConnectionDb.ConnectionDbClient>();
            Mock<IAsyncStreamReader<ConnectionServiceModel>> mockResponseStream
                = new Mock<IAsyncStreamReader<ConnectionServiceModel>>();

            List<ConnectionServiceModel> connectionServiceModels =
                new List<ConnectionServiceModel>
                    new ConnectionServiceModel
                        ActionPlanId = 1,
                        FromActionPlanStepId = 1,
                        ToActionPlanStepId = 1,
                        Implementation = 0,
                        Qualifier = 1,
                        Path = " 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14"

            var fakeCall = TestCalls.AsyncServerStreamingCall
                Task.FromResult(new Metadata()), () => Status.DefaultSuccess,
                () => new Metadata(), () => { });

            mockClient.Setup(m => m.GetAllConnections(
                null, null, CancellationToken.None)).Returns(fakeCall);

            // Act
            ActionPlanConnectionsService service = new ActionPlanConnectionsService(mockClient.Object);
            IEnumerable<Connection> connections = await service.Get(1, 1);

            // Assert
            // CONNECTIONS WILL ALWAYS HAVE 0 Elements as the response isn't setup for it.

Expanding on what @Jan Tattermusch recommended, you probably want to just implement the IAsyncStreamReader instead of trying to mock it.扩展@Jan Tattermusch 推荐的内容,您可能只想实现IAsyncStreamReader而不是尝试模拟它。 Here's a simple implementation on top of an enumerator.这是一个基于枚举器的简单实现。

internal class MyAsyncStreamReader<T> : IAsyncStreamReader<T>
    private readonly IEnumerator<T> enumerator;

    public MyAsyncStreamReader(IEnumerable<T> results)
        enumerator = results.GetEnumerator();

    public T Current => enumerator.Current;

    public Task<bool> MoveNext(CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
        Task.Run(() => enumerator.MoveNext());

Then something like this should work:然后这样的事情应该工作:

        public async Task GetConnectionsTest()
            // Arrange
            Mock<ConnectionDb.ConnectionDbClient> mockClient = new Mock<ConnectionDb.ConnectionDbClient>();

            List<ConnectionServiceModel> connectionServiceModels =
                new List<ConnectionServiceModel>
                    new ConnectionServiceModel
                        ActionPlanId = 1,
                        FromActionPlanStepId = 1,
                        ToActionPlanStepId = 1,
                        Implementation = 0,
                        Qualifier = 1,
                        Path = " 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14"

            // Create your async stream reader
            var reader = new MyAsyncStreamReader<ConnectionServiceModel>(connectionServiceModels);

            var fakeCall = TestCalls.AsyncServerStreamingCall(
                reader, // Pass the stream reader into the gRPC call
                Task.FromResult(new Metadata()),
                () => Status.DefaultSuccess,
                () => new Metadata(),
                () => { });

            mockClient.Setup(m => m.GetAllConnections(
                null, null, CancellationToken.None)).Returns(fakeCall);

            // Act
            ActionPlanConnectionsService service = new ActionPlanConnectionsService(mockClient.Object);
            IEnumerable<Connection> connections = await service.Get(1, 1);

            // Assert
            Assert.NotEmpty(connections); // Should pass

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