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从 SQL 服务器数据库中的列中的 XML 数据返回数据

[英]Returning data from XML data in a column in a SQL Server database

Trying to extract data from a column in a SQL Server table.尝试从 SQL 服务器表中的列中提取数据。 The column however is not of type XML but the data is in XML format (see below).然而,该列不是XML类型,但数据采用 XML 格式(见下文)。 I can extract the data I need via the CAST function, but looking to see if there's a more efficient query to do so.我可以通过CAST function 提取我需要的数据,但我想看看是否有更有效的查询来这样做。

The data below exists in the details column of table FoodTable .以下数据存在于表FoodTabledetails列中。 I would like to query the table to get a list of all 'prod' (ie apple, blueberry, cherry) from <FoodCity> .我想查询表格以获取<FoodCity>中所有“产品”(即苹果、蓝莓、樱桃)的列表。 The data is much larger in reality so would like help with more efficient query if possible.数据实际上要大得多,所以如果可能的话,希望能帮助您进行更高效的查询。

I have the following:我有以下内容:

    CAST(details AS xml).value('(//GROCER/prod[@key="apple"]/@key)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS 'apple',
    CAST(details AS xml).value('(//GROCER/prod[@key="blueberry"]/@key)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS 'blueberry',
    CAST(details AS xml).value('(//GROCER/prod[@key="cherry"]/@key)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS 'cherry'

XML looks like this: XML 看起来像这样:

        <prod key = 'apple' value = '1.00'>
        <prod key = 'blueberry' value = '2.00'>
        <prod key = 'cherry' value = '5.00'>
        <prod key = 'pear' value = '3.00'>
        <prod key = 'peach' value = '4.00'>
        <prod key = 'kiwi' value = '6.00'>

Although my query above works, just looking to make it more efficient and simpler if possible.虽然我上面的查询有效,但如果可能的话,只是希望让它更高效、更简单。

Output expected |预计 Output | product |产品 |

| | apple |苹果 | | | blueberry |蓝莓 | | | cherry |樱桃 |

Thank you.谢谢你。

While waiting for your DDL and sample data population.在等待您的 DDL 和示例数据填充时。 Here is a conceptual example.这是一个概念性的例子。

It is using XQuery methods .nodes() and .value() to shred XML and convert it into a rectangular/relational format.它使用 XQuery 方法.nodes().value()分解 XML 并将其转换为矩形/关系格式。


-- DDL and sample data population, start
INSERT INTO @tbl (details) VALUES
        <prod key="apple" value="1.00"/>
        <prod key="blueberry" value="2.00"/>
        <prod key="cherry" value="5.00"/>
        <prod key="pear" value="3.00"/>
        <prod key="peach" value="4.00"/>
        <prod key="kiwi" value="6.00"/>
-- DDL and sample data population, end

    SELECT id, CAST(details AS XML) AS xmldata
    FROM @tbl
SELECT c.value('@key', 'VARCHAR(20)') AS product
    , c.value('@value', 'DECIMAL(5,2)') AS price
FROM rs CROSS APPLY xmldata.nodes('/GROCER/*/prod') AS t(c);

Output Output

|  product  | price |
| apple     |  1.00 |
| blueberry |  2.00 |
| cherry    |  5.00 |
| pear      |  3.00 |
| peach     |  4.00 |
| kiwi      |  6.00 |

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