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如何在 Alpine 容器中安装 Zed Attack Proxy

[英]How to install Zed Attack Proxy in an Alpine container

I have this Dockerfile which is an alpine image and I need to install zaproxy , I tried RUN apk add zaproxy but it gives the following error:我有这个Dockerfile这是一个高山图像,我需要安装zaproxy ,我试过RUN apk add zaproxy但它给出了以下错误:

ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:错误:不可满足的约束:

This is the Dockerfile :这是Dockerfile

FROM docker:18.09

RUN apk update

RUN wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.12.21/terraform_0.12.21_linux_amd64.zip
RUN unzip terraform_0.12.21_linux_amd64.zip && rm terraform_0.12.21_linux_amd64.zip
RUN mv terraform /usr/bin/terraform

RUN apk add zaproxy

Is there a way I can download the binary and put it somewhere without using apk package manager?有没有一种方法可以下载二进制文件并将其放在某个地方而不使用apk package 管理器?

The official "bare" image uses alpine, check out the details here: https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/blob/main/docker/Dockerfile-bare官方“裸”图像使用 alpine,查看详细信息: https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/blob/main/docker/Dockerfile-bare

In particular to specifically answer your question:特别是专门回答你的问题:

Is there a way I can download the binary and put it somewhere without using apk package manager?有没有一种方法可以下载二进制文件并将其放在某个地方而不使用 apk package 管理器?

# Download and expand the latest stable release 
RUN curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zaproxy/zap-admin/master/ZapVersions.xml | xmlstarlet sel -t -v //url |grep -i Linux | wget --content-disposition -i - -O - | tar zxv && \
    mv ZAP*/* . &&  \
    rm -R ZAP* 

As for actual use:至于实际使用:

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