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将 Python 列表值与字典键进行比较

[英]Comparing Python list values to dictionary keys

I am trying to create a new list by comparing the list items to dictionary keys, if the match is found then i append a value of dictionary to new list that was globally initialized.我正在尝试通过将列表项与字典键进行比较来创建一个新列表,如果找到匹配项,那么我将 append 字典的值与全局初始化的新列表进行比较。 the code i am trying is as below我正在尝试的代码如下

dict_1 = {'OMSS': '', 'A&A': '', 'AFM': '', 'ATM': ''}
list_1 = ['A&A', 'A&A', 'OMSS', 'OMSS', 'A&A', 'AFM', 'A&A', 'AFM', 'A&A']
list_2 = ['OMSS ', 'OMSS ', 'A&A ', 'A&A ', 'AFM ', 'A&A ', 'AFM ', 'A&A ', 'AFM ']

list_of_list1 = []

for s1 in list_1:
    #print (s2)
    for key, value in dict_1.items():
        #print (key)
        if s1 == key:

print (list_of_list1)

list_of_list2 = []

for s2 in list_2:
    #print (s2)
    for key, value in dict_1.items():
        #print (key)
        if s2 == key:

print (list_of_list2)

when i run this i get below output当我运行这个时,我得到低于 output

['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
{'OMSS': '', 'A&A': '', 'AFM': '', 'ATM': ''}

i am trying to figure out why "list_of_list2" is coming out as empty?我想弄清楚为什么“list_of_list2”是空的?

  1. Please stop using containers in most inefficient way.请停止以最低效的方式使用容器。 Just use list comprehension:只需使用列表理解:
list_of_list1 = [dict_1[k] for k in list_1 if k in dict_1]
  1. All items of list_2 have ' ' at the end. list_2的所有项目末尾都有' ' Indeed they won't be equal to the keys you have in dict_1 .实际上,它们不会等于您在dict_1中拥有的键。 Try to strip redundant spaces:尝试去除多余的空格:
list_of_list2 = [dict_1[k.strip()] for k in list_2 if k.strip() in dict_1]

You need to remove leading and tailing space from the list_2 items to be matched with the dictionary keys.您需要从list_2项中删除前导和尾随空间以与字典键匹配。 Here is the sample fix of your problem:这是您的问题的示例修复:

dict_1 = {'OMSS': '', 'A&A': '', 'AFM': '', 'ATM': ''}
list_1 = ['A&A', 'A&A', 'OMSS', 'OMSS', 'A&A', 'AFM', 'A&A', 'AFM', 'A&A']
list_2 = ['OMSS ', 'OMSS ', 'A&A ', 'A&A ', 'AFM ', 'A&A ', 'AFM ', 'A&A ', 'AFM ']

list_of_list1 = []

for s1 in list_1:
    #print (s2)
    for key, value in dict_1.items():
        #print (key)
        if s1 == key:

print (list_of_list1)

list_of_list2 = []

for s2 in list_2:
    #print (s2)
    for key, value in dict_1.items():
        #print (key)
        if s2.strip() == key:

print (list_of_list2)

Output: Output:

['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']

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