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[英]Increase the first 15 digits of a 16 digit number by 1 within a range


I am trying to ensure I am generating a unique credit card number .我正在尝试确保生成一个唯一的credit card number The credit card number needs to be 16 digits long with the last digit equal to the checksum which in this case is self.checksum = 1 . credit card number必须为16 位数字,最后一位数字等于checksum ,在本例中为self.checksum = 1

The first 6 digits of the credit card number must be 400000 . credit card number的前 6 位数字必须是400000

Since the last digit must be equal to the checksum or 1 in this case, I believe I need to implement a range in my code somehow to indicate when the maximum credit card number has been issued.由于在这种情况下,最后一位数字必须等于checksum1 ,我相信我需要在我的代码中以某种方式实现一个范围,以指示何时maximum credit card number has been issued. In this case, the maximum credit card number is 40000009999999991 .在这种情况下,最大credit card number40000009999999991 Anything after that would change the first 6 digits.之后的任何内容都会更改前 6 位数字。

While the current solution "works" it does so by only adding 10 to the first possible credit card number initialized in the __init__ as self.credit_card_number = 4000000000000001 .虽然当前的解决方案“有效”,但它只需将10添加到在__init__中初始化为self.credit_card_number = 4000000000000001的第一个可能的credit card number上。

Help needed需要帮助

I am looking for help taking my existing code and implementing a range of some sort that can alert when the last credit card number in the range has been issued.我正在寻求帮助,以获取我现有的代码并实施某种范围,当该范围内的最后一个credit card number已发出时,可以发出警报。

from random import randrange

class Accounts:
    def __init__(self):
        self.accounts_list = []
        self.all_accounts = dict()
        self.balance = 0
        # Initial credit card number
        self.credit_card_number = 4000000000000001
        # Checksum is the last digit (16th) in the credit card number.
        self.checksum = 1
        # Pin number is generated in account_creation
        self.pin = None

    def main_menu(self):
        while True:
            main_menu_choice = input('1. Create an account\n'
                                     '2. Log into account\n'
                                     '0. Exit\n')
            if main_menu_choice == '1':

    def account_creation(self):
        # Create credit card number ensuring it is unique by adding 1 to initialized value.
        if len(self.accounts_list) == 0:
            self.credit_card_number = self.credit_card_number
            self.credit_card_number = self.credit_card_number
            self.credit_card_number = self.credit_card_number + 10
        # Create pin number.
        pin = int(format(randrange(0000, 9999), '04d'))
        # Add credit card number to list used in the above if statement.
        # Add the credit card number, pin, and balance to dictionary.
        self.all_accounts[self.credit_card_number] = {'pin': pin, 'balance': self.balance}
        # Print the output to make sure everything is OK.
        # Print the output to make sure everything is OK.
              f'Your card has been created\n'
              f'Your card number:\n'
              f'Your card PIN:\n'


Can you update your init to generate credit cards:你能更新你的init来生成信用卡吗:

def __init__(self):

    # do you stuff

    self.credit_card_first_6 = '400000'
    self.checksum = '1'

    # this will be used to create a unique credit card
    self.count = 0

    # middle numbers MUST be smaller than this
    self.max_count = 1000000000

def account_creation(self):
    #### do your stuff

    # for this user they have a unique 9 digits in the middle
    # this is then zero padded using zfill
    unique_id = str(self.count).zfill(9)

    # create the full credit card number
    # note: store each bit as a str so we can concat then convert to int
    credit_card_number = int(self.credit_card_first_6 + unique_id + checksum)

    self.count += 1

    # update your init values when your limit is reached
    if self.count >= self.max_count:

        self.count = 0
        self.credit_card_first_6 = str(int(self.credit_card_first_6) + 1)

Since you marked Matt's answer as a valid I've added a quick refactor with some extra code that might be use full to you.由于您将马特的答案标记为有效,我添加了一个快速重构,其中包含一些可能对您完全有用的额外代码。

class Account:
    balance = 0
    __pin = None     # this are
    __number = None  # private members

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__number == other

    def is_pin(self, pin):
        return self.__pin == pin

    def number(self):
        return self.__number

    # adding a 'is not none' makes
    # it a 'write only once' variable,
    # if a 'none' text is added as a input
    # text is added not a None type
    def set_pin(self, pin):
        if self.__pin is None:
            self.__pin = pin
            return True
        return False

    def set_number(self, num):
        if self.__number is None \
                and len(str(num)) == 16:
            self.__number = num
            return True
        return False

    # eeextra simple checksum
    def checksum(self):
        ck_sum = 0
        for i in str(self.__number):
            ck_sum += int(i)
        return int(str(ck_sum)[-1])

class Accounts:

    base_num = 4000000000000000

    def __init__(self):
        self.accounts = []
        self.num_offset = 0

    def dialog_choice():
        choice = input(
            '1. Create an account\n'
            '2. Log into account\n'
            '0. Exit \n \n'
        return choice

    def next_card_num(self):
        self.num_offset += 1
        return self.base_num + self.num_offset

    def dialog_acount_creation(self):
        card_pin = input('New pin ->')
        card_num = self.next_card_num()
        print('Card number ->', card_num)
        return card_num, card_pin

    def dialog_login():
        card_num = input('Card number ->')
        card_pin = input('Card pin ->')
        return int(card_num), card_pin

    def dialog_error(*args):
        print('Error on acount', args[0])

    def main_loop(self):
        dia_map = {
            '1': self.dialog_acount_creation,
            '2': self.dialog_login,
        cho_map = {
            '1': self.account_creation,
            '2': self.account_login,
        err_map = {
            '1': self.dialog_error,
            '2': self.dialog_error,
        while True:
            o = self.dialog_choice()
            if o == '0':
            if o in cho_map:
                q_dialog = dia_map[o]()
                q_done = cho_map[o](*q_dialog)
                if not q_done:
                print('Invalid option')

    def account_login(self, num, pin):
        for acc in self.accounts:
            if acc == num and acc.is_pin(pin):
                print('You are logged in !')
                return True
        return False

    def account_creation(self, num, pin):
        new_accaunt = Account()
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    h_acc = Accounts()
    h_acc.account_creation(4000000000000000, '1234')

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