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R 上的 Base Plotting System 上未打印 X 轴标签

[英]X-axis labels not printing on Base Plotting System On R

"R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)" “R 版本 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)”

I have a some time-series data where I am trying to look at the change in consumption over time.我有一些时间序列数据,试图查看消费随时间的变化。 Here is a reprex.这是一个代表。

date <-  seq(as.POSIXct('2010-01-01'),as.POSIXct('2010-04-10'),by=86400)
Consumption <- rnorm(99)

Data <- data.frame(date,Consumption)

plot(Data$Consumption~Data$date,type='l') # X-axis labels and ticks not printing
axis(side = 2,at=seq(-3,3,0.5),labels = seq(-3,3,0.5)) # This works on the first  plot on the y axis

plot(Data$date~Data$Consumption,type='l') # X-axis refusing to print despite assigning it.
axis(side = 1,at=seq(-3,3,0.5),labels = seq(-3,3,0.5)) # This works on the first  plot

The graph outputted in the initial plot() is exactly what I want except for the fact it doesn't have any labels for the x-axis.初始plot()中输出的图形正是我想要的,除了它没有任何 x 轴标签。

I am using Base Plotting for an assignment rather than everyday use and would usually use ggplot.我将 Base Plotting 用于作业而不是日常使用,并且通常会使用 ggplot。 I have been trying to figure out why the x-axis is not plotting.我一直在试图弄清楚为什么 x 轴没有绘制。 Initially I thought the problem was with the date variable and tried cleaning it up with lubridate::ymd() .最初我认为问题出在日期变量上,并尝试使用lubridate::ymd()清理它。 However when I started making the above reprex for the purpose of this question it is clear to the X-axis labels and ticks as whole is not printing.但是,当我出于这个问题的目的开始制作上述 reprex 时,X 轴标签和刻度很明显没有打印。 In the second plot I put the consumption variable on the x-axis.在第二个 plot 中,我将消费变量放在 x 轴上。 I was surprised to find that the date is printing neatly on its own on the Y-axis.我惊讶地发现日期在 Y 轴上自己整齐地打印出来。

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

There are two issues I can see readily:我可以很容易地看到两个问题:

  1. change: Consumption <- rnorm(99) to Consumption <- rnorm(100) to match date column.更改:Consumption <- rnorm(99) 到 Consumption <- rnorm(100) 以匹配日期列。

  2. The problem is with 'par'.问题在于'par'。 When there are multiple plots within a chunk, unlike ggplot, plot does not handle properly.当一个块中有多个绘图时,与 ggplot 不同,plot 无法正确处理。 Remove par and run the below it should work删除 par 并运行下面它应该工作

    date <-  seq(as.POSIXct('2010-01-01'),as.POSIXct('2010-04-10'),by=86400)
    Consumption <- rnorm(100)
    Data <- data.frame(date,Consumption)

Please note whenever you define par and when you run each plot in two different chunks, the labels will display properly.请注意,无论何时定义 par 以及在两个不同的块中运行每个 plot 时,标签都会正确显示。 You will not have any issue.你不会有任何问题。 But when you plot both the charts in a single chunk, you will always have problem if you have par.但是当你 plot 两个图表都在一个块中时,如果你有 par,你总会有问题。

When you want more control over what happens with axis labels and title, you could create them manually.当您想要更好地控制轴标签和标题发生的情况时,您可以手动创建它们。 So, first produce a plot without title and label. Then, create them manually with axis() and mtext() .因此,首先生成一个没有标题的 plot 和 label。然后,使用axis()mtext()手动创建它们。 In the process, you may increase the room at the bottom of the plot with par(mar=...) .在此过程中,您可以使用par(mar=...)增加 plot 底部的空间。 F.netuning is done with arguments like las , cex.axis , and line . F.netuning 是用 arguments 完成的,比如lascex.axisline And at the end, you reset mar to its old values.最后,您将mar重置为其旧值。

You could use the code below to get more detailed X-axis labels您可以使用下面的代码获取更详细的 X 轴标签

### format to day (probably not the best way to do this) 
Data$date2 <-format(Data$date, "%d%b")
Data$date2 <- as.Date(Data$date2, format = "%d%b")

### increase room at bottom of the plot for X-axis title
### the labels will eat up space, if we do nothing it will be a mess
### set title with mtext later
par(mar = c(7,4,4,2))

### plot without X-axis labels (xaxt) and title (xlab)
### work with "at" and "labels" in axis-function
### rotate labels 90° (las) an reduce font (cex.axis)
### put title 5 lines below graph (line)
### Remark: the graph window has to be big enough
plot(Data$Consumption ~ Data$date, type= "l", xaxt = "n", xlab = NA) 
axis(side = 1, at = Data$date, labels =  Data$date2, las = 2, cex.axis=.75)
mtext(side = 1, text = "Date", line = 5)

This yields the following graph:这会产生下图:


ALTERNATIVE ticks and labels for every 7th item每第 7 个项目的替代刻度和标签

per7 <- seq(1, 99, 7)
plot(Data$Consumption ~ Data$date, type= "l", xaxt = "n", xlab = NA) 
axis(side = 1, at = Data$date[per7], labels =  Data$date2[per7], las = 2, cex.axis=.75)
mtext(side = 1, text = "Date", line = 5)

### reset mar
par(mar = c(5,4,4,2))

which gives the following picture:它给出了以下图片:


Please let me know whether this is what you wanted.请让我知道这是否是您想要的。

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