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在 JAVA 中将二进制数组转换为十进制 [关闭]

[英]Convert a binary array to decimal in JAVA [closed]

I am trying to make a method which receives an array as a parameter and through a recursive method, that same number can be returned but in decimal notation.我正在尝试创建一个接收数组作为参数的方法,并通过递归方法,可以返回相同的数字,但以十进制表示。

Basically first I am instantiating this array:基本上首先我实例化这个数组:

int[] binario = {1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1};

And this is my method这是我的方法

public static int convertirBinarioADecimal(int[] bin, int i, int decimal) {

        if (i < bin.length) {
            if (bin[i] == 1) {
                decimal += Math.pow(2, ((bin.length - 1) - i));
            return convertirBinarioADecimal(bin, i++, decimal);
        } else {
            return decimal;


This is the call to the method on main:这是对 main 方法的调用:

res = convertirBinarioADecimal(binario, 0, decimal);
System.out.println("res = " + res);

However, this gives me an error every time that I run it and dont understand why.但是,每次我运行它并且不明白为什么时,这都会给我一个错误。 Could you please take a look into that code and tell what is wrong?您能否查看该代码并告诉您有什么问题?

My apologies for the basics of the question but I had quit my programming studies for a couple of years but now I came back and it is causing me some problems Thanks in advance for the help对于这个问题的基础知识,我深表歉意,但我已经放弃了几年的编程研究,但现在我回来了,这给我带来了一些问题提前感谢您的帮助

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