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从 openCV 读取 / 到 libtorch 张量 c++ 的签名整数

[英]reading signed ints from openCV in/to libtorch tensor c++

I have a cv::Mat which is CV_32SC3 type, it stores both positive and negative values.我有一个 cv::Mat 它是 CV_32SC3 类型,它存储正值和负值。

When convert it to tensor, the values are messed up:将其转换为张量时,值会混乱:

cout << in_img << endl;

 auto tensor_image = torch::from_blob(in_img.data, {1, in_img.rows, in_img.cols, 3}, torch::kByte);

The in_img has negative values, while after print out tensor_image, the values were all totally different than in_img. in_img 有负值,而打印出 tensor_image 后,这些值都与 in_img 完全不同。

the negative values are gone (it somehow seems to normilise it 255 range).负值消失了(它似乎以某种方式将其标准化为 255 范围)。 I tried converting to Long like so:我尝试像这样转换为 Long:

auto tensor_image = torch::from_blob(in_img.data, {1, in_img.rows, in_img.cols, 3}, torch::kLong);

but when I print the values like so, I get seg fault:但是当我像这样打印值时,我得到了段错误:

  std::cout << "tensor_image: " << tensor_image << " values." << std::endl;

so, I tried looking at just the first element like so:所以,我试着只看第一个元素,如下所示:

std::cout << "input_tensor[0][0][0][0]: " << tensor_image[0][0][0][0] << " values." << std::endl;

and the value is not the same as I see in the python implementation:((并且该值与我在 python 实现中看到的不同:((

The type 32SC3 means that your data are 32bits (4 bytes) signed integers, ie int s.类型32SC3表示您的数据是 32 位(4 字节)有符号整数,即int s。 Pytorch kByte type means unsigned char (1 byte, values between 0 and 255). Pytorch kByte类型表示unsigned char (1 个字节,值介于 0 和 255 之间)。 Therefore you are actually reading a matrix of ints as if it were a matrix of uchars.因此,您实际上是在读取整数矩阵,就好像它是 uchar 矩阵一样。

Try with尝试

auto tensor_image = torch::from_blob(in_img.data, {1, in_img.rows, in_img.cols, 3}, torch::kInt32);

The conversion to kLong was bound to fail because long means int64 .转换为kLong必然会失败,因为long表示int64 So there are just not enough bytes in your opencv int32 matrix to read it as a int64 matrix with the same size.因此,您的 opencv int32矩阵中没有足够的字节将其读取为具有相同大小的int64矩阵。

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