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数据:“无法反序列化 params.x - 绑定:position 47 处缺少必填字段”

[英]data: 'Failed to deserialize params.x - BINDINGS: mandatory field missing at position 47'

i'm using gauge automated ui tests with taiko integration written in javascript.我正在使用带有用 javascript 编写的 taiko 集成的仪表自动化 ui 测试。 I cant find a way to solve my problem.我找不到解决问题的方法。 Here is the error i got.这是我得到的错误。

message: 'Invalid parameters',
data: 'Failed to deserialize params.x - BINDINGS: mandatory field missing at position 47'
        Error Message: transport is closing

Here is my step_implementation.js file这是我的 step_implementation.js 文件

//this step works fine
step("Go to <item>", async(item) => {
    await goto(item);
    await click($(".fancybox-close-small"))
//this step works fine
step("Search for <item>", async(item) => {
    await click(textBox(""));
    await focus($(".pw-search-input"));
    await write(item);
//this step does not working, my tests fail while last step accomplished.
step("Go to Product Detail <item> By Index", async(item)=>

step("Select the size <item> by index", async(item)=>
  click(await $(".detail__add2cart"));

This my example.spec file这是我的 example.spec 文件

## Go to site
//lets say example.com
* Go to "example.com"
* Go to Product Detail "1" By Index

click is an async function and hence has to be awaited, try updating the steps as below click是异步 function ,因此必须等待,尝试更新如下步骤

step("Go to Product Detail <item> By Index", async(item)=>
 await click(($(".pw-autocomplete-product-suggestion").elements())[item]);  

step("Select the size <item> by index", async(item)=>
  await click(dropDown({'name':'options'}).elements()[item]);
  await click(await $(".detail__add2cart"));

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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