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VB .NET BC30002 VB.NET 类型未定义

[英]VB .NET BC30002 VB.NET Type is not defined

I had this working in the past but something must have changed.我过去有这个工作,但一定有什么改变。 This could be related to a circular dependency, but I resolved that by pointing to the built DLL.这可能与循环依赖有关,但我通过指向内置的 DLL 解决了这个问题。 Visual Studio 2017.视觉工作室 2017。

Error I am getting: BC30002 VB.NET Type is not defined我得到的错误:BC30002 VB.NET 类型未定义

Things I tried:我尝试过的事情:

  1. Cleaning solution and re-building清洁溶液和重建
  2. Making sure .NET framework are identical确保 .NET 框架相同
  3. Rebooting computer重新启动计算机
    Dim overlay As StudyCSharp.OverlayQuestion = New StudyCSharp.OverlayQuestion  'Object   'set it to object to avoid circular dependency
    'Dim overlay As Object = CreateObject("StudyCSharp.OverlayQuestion") 'Keep to avoid early binding with circular depenendency



在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

We re-wrote the code without a circular dependency to solve.我们重写了没有循环依赖的代码来解决。 We did have some minor success by adding the DLLs to the build folder manually but it only worked on 1 computer.通过手动将 DLL 添加到构建文件夹中,我们确实取得了一些小成功,但它只在 1 台计算机上运行。 We were able to convert the code from C# to VB to combine it into the same project.我们能够将代码从 C# 转换为 VB 以将其合并到同一个项目中。 Boy I wish Microsoft would try to automatically solve the circular dependencies themselves by building the files one function at a time.男孩,我希望微软通过一次构建一个 function 文件来尝试自动解决循环依赖关系。

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