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你如何转换一个盒子<dyn trait>到 Rc<dyn trait> ?</dyn></dyn>

[英]How do you convert a Box<dyn Trait> to a Rc<dyn Trait>?

I have a function which receives a Box<dyn Trait> and needs to convert that into an Rc<dyn Trait> to share read-only ownership within the thread.我有一个 function 接收Box<dyn Trait>并需要将其转换为Rc<dyn Trait>以在线程内共享只读所有权。

With a Box<T> of some T: Sized , we can do Rc::new(*my_box) , but unfortunately that doesn't work for unsized trait objects .使用某个T: SizedBox<T> ,我们可以执行Rc::new(*my_box) ,但不幸的是,这不适用于 unsized trait objects

Here's an oversimplified example which hopefully clarifies the problem:这是一个过于简化的示例,希望可以澄清问题:

use std::rc::Rc;

pub trait Trait {}

pub struct Foo {}
impl Trait for Foo {}

fn main() {
    let trait_box: Box<dyn Trait> = Box::new(Foo {});
    let trait_rc: Rc<dyn Trait> = Rc::new(*trait_box); // -> Error

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I saw some things here and there about exposing the internal RcBox to support moving between Box and Rc , but AFAIK it's not usable today.我在这里和那里看到了一些关于暴露内部RcBox以支持在BoxRc之间移动的事情,但是 AFAIK 今天它不可用。

Is there a workaround for this?有解决方法吗?

Or if this type of conversion isn't possible, what is the recommended method for storing a trait object which can be mutated up to a point, and then after that point be shared immutably with the rest of the program?或者,如果这种类型的转换是不可能的,那么推荐的存储特征 object 的方法是什么,该特征可以突变到一个点,然后在该点之后与程序的 rest 不可改变地共享?

Using a Rc<RefCell<dyn Trait>> seems like overkill when I know I just have a single owner up to that point...当我知道到目前为止我只有一个所有者时,使用Rc<RefCell<dyn Trait>>似乎有点矫枉过正......

Rc<T> implements impl<T> From<Box<T, Global>> so you can just use into : Rc<T> 实现了impl<T> From<Box<T, Global>>所以你可以使用into

let trait_rc: Rc<dyn Trait> = trait_box.into();

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