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在 qwraps::summary_table 中添加 p 值列

[英]Add p-value column in qwraps::summary_table

I want to make a little summary table for my colleagues in R-Markdown using qwraps::summary_table .我想使用qwraps::summary_table为 R-Markdown 的同事制作一个小汇总表。 The data.frame contains information of different exposures. data.frame 包含不同曝光的信息。 All the variables are coded as binary.所有变量都编码为二进制。


pop <- rbinom(n = 1000, size = 1, prob = runif(n = 10, min = 0, max = 1))
exp <- rbinom(n = 1000, size = 1, prob = .5)

ID <- c(1:500)
therapy <- factor(sample(x = pop, size = 500, replace = TRUE), labels = c("Control", "Intervention"))
exp_1 <- sample(x = exp, size = 500, replace = TRUE)
exp_2 <- sample(x = exp, size = 500, replace = TRUE)
exp_3 <- sample(x = exp, size = 500, replace = TRUE)
exp_4 <- sample(x = exp, size = 500, replace = TRUE)

df <- data.frame(ID, exp_1, exp_2, exp_3, exp_4, therapy)

In the next step, I create a simple summary table as follows.在下一步中,我将创建一个简单的汇总表,如下所示。 In the table I want to have the groups (control vs. intervention) as columns and the exposures as rows:在表中,我希望将组(控制与干预)作为列,将暴露作为行:

my_summary <-
  list(list("Exposure 1" = ~ n_perc(exp_1 %in% 1),
            "Exposure 2" = ~ n_perc(exp_2 %in% 1),
            "Exposure 3" = ~ n_perc(exp_3 %in% 1),
            "Exposure 4" = ~ n_perc(exp_4 %in% 1))

my_table <- summary_table(group_by(df, therapy), my_summary)

In the next step I wanted to add a further column containing p-values for the group differences between control and intervention group, eg with fisher.test .在下一步中,我想添加另一列,其中包含控制组和干预组之间组差异的 p 值,例如fisher.test I read in ?qwraps::summary_table that cbind is a suitable method for class qwraps2_summary_table , but to be honest, I'm struggling with it.我在?qwraps::summary_tablecbind是 class qwraps2_summary_table的合适方法,但老实说,我正在努力解决它。 I tried different ways but failed, unfortunately.我尝试了不同的方法,但不幸的是失败了。

Is there a convenient way to add individual columns via qwraps::summary_table especially p-values according to the grouped columns?有没有一种方便的方法可以通过qwraps::summary_table添加单个列,尤其是根据分组列添加 p 值?

Thanks for your help!谢谢你的帮助!


[SOLVED] Meanwhile, after a lot of research on this topic, I found a convenient and easy way to add a p.values column. [已解决] 同时,在对该主题进行了大量研究之后,我发现了一种添加 p.values 列的便捷方法。 Maybe it is not the smartest solution, but worked, at least for me.也许这不是最聪明的解决方案,但至少对我来说是有效的。

First I calculated the p.values with a function, which extracts the p.values from the returned output of fisher.test and stored them in an object, in my case a simple numeric vector:首先,我使用 function 计算 p.values,它从 Fisher.test 返回的 output 中提取fisher.test ,并将它们存储在 object 中,例如一个简单的向量:

# write function to extract fishers.test
fisher.pvalue <- function(x) {
     value <- fisher.test(x)$p.value

# fisher test/generate pvalues
p.vals <- round(sapply(list(
  table(df$exp_1, df$therapy),
  table(df$exp_2, df$therapy),
  table(df$exp_3, df$therapy),
  table(df$exp_4, df$therapy)), fisher.pvalue), digits = 2)

In the following step I simply added an empty table column called P-Values and added the p.vals to the column cells.在接下来的步骤中,我只是添加了一个名为P-Values的空表列,并将p.vals添加到列单元格中。

overall_table <- cbind(my_table, "P-Value" = "") # create empty column
overall_table[9:12] <- p.vals # add vals to empty column
# overall_table <- cbind(my_table, "P-Value" = p.vals) works the same way in one line of code


In my case, I simply looked for the corresponding cell indices in overall_table (for P-Values = 9:12) and filled them using base syntax.就我而言,我只是在overall_table中查找相应的单元格索引(对于P-Values = 9:12)并使用基本语法填充它们。 In the vignette of qwraps2 ( https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/qwraps2/vignettes/summary-statistics.html ), the author used regular expressions to identify the right cells (see section 3.2).qwraps2的小插图( https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/qwraps2/vignettes/summary-statistics.html )中,作者使用正则表达式来识别正确的单元格(参见第 3.2 节)。

If there are other methods to add individual columns to qwraps2::summary_table I would appreciate to see how it is possible.如果有其他方法可以将单个列添加到qwraps2::summary_table我会很高兴看到它是如何可能的。


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