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不带任何一个的联合通用类型 Scala

[英]Union generic type without Either Scala

This works fine:这工作正常:

def echo[A, B](a: A, b: B): A = ???

This is also fine:这也很好:

def echo[A, B](a: A, b: B): B = ???

However, how do we achieve this to return either type A or B?但是,我们如何实现这一点以返回类型 A 或 B?

 // error def echo[A, B](a: A, b: B): A|B =???

Is it simply possible to have a union type of generic types A and B ?是否有可能拥有泛型类型AB联合类型 Cheers.干杯。


Either is an option but not ideal, as it requires a pattern match when processing the returned result. Either是一个选项,但并不理想,因为它在处理返回的结果时需要模式匹配 Effectively, I want this: A <: A|B , B <: A|B , which Either does not achieve.实际上,我想要这个: A <: A|BB <: A|B ,这Either没有实现。

Another extreme, I can do this, but type is too loose:另一个极端,我可以这样做,但是类型太松了:

def echo[A, B](a: A, b: B): Any = ???

Why I don't want Either ?为什么我不想要Either

(Reason 2) (原因 2)

The returned result would actually be a Dataset of Spark , which requires Encoder for any type that is not a subtype of Product (see this topic ).返回的结果实际上是SparkDataset ,它需要Encoder用于任何不是Product子类型的类型(请参阅本主题)。

When calling this method many times, it ends up with too many Either wrapping each other, eg Either[Either[Either[...]]] .多次调用此方法时,最终会导致太多的Either相互包装,例如Either[Either[Either[...]]] This requires too many encoders to be defined.这需要定义太多的编码器。

So I'm actually doing this:所以我实际上是这样做的:

def echo[A, B](a: A, b: B): Dataset[A|B] = ???

If I do this it would require to have many different encoders due to Either type:如果我这样做,由于Either类型,都需要有许多不同的编码器:

def echo[A, B](a: A, b: B): Dataset[Either[A, B]] = ???
val result1: Either[Cat, Dog] = echo(a: Cat, b: Dog)
val result2: Either[Either[Cat, Dog], Pig] = echo(result1: Either[Cat, Dog], c: Pig)

// we have to define encoders:
implicit encoder1: org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders.kryo[Either[Cat, Dog]]
implicit encoder2: org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders.kryo[Either[Either[Cat, Dog], Pig]]

// if we keep iterating, then too many encoders to define...

Soon-to-be-released Scala 3 has it.即将发布的 Scala 3 有它。

def echo[A, B](a: A, b: B): A|B = ???  //this compiles

As can be seen in this Scastie session .这个 Scastie session中可以看出。

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