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(多)在 UWP 或 WinUI3 中将列表绑定到 TextBlock

[英](Multi)Binding a List to a TextBlock in UWP or WinUI3

This post would have been the answer but it only works in WPF. 这篇文章本来就是答案,但它只适用于 WPF。 UWP and WinUI3 don't have Multibinding. UWP 和 WinUI3 没有多重绑定。

How do you make that code in UWP/WinUI3?你如何在 UWP/WinUI3 中编写该代码?

(Multi)Binding a List to a TextBlock in UWP or WinUI3 (多)在 UWP 或 WinUI3 中将列表绑定到 TextBlock

As Johnny Westlake said you could use x:bind method to binding a list to a TextBlock .正如 Johnny Westlake 所说,您可以使用 x:bind 方法将列表绑定到TextBlock For example, Use String.Format method to format list then render in the TextBlock .例如,使用String.Format方法格式化列表,然后在TextBlock中呈现。 For more please refer this document .有关更多信息,请参阅此文档

   <ListView ItemsSource="{x:Bind Items}">

        <DataTemplate x:DataType="local:Item">
            <TextBlock Text="{x:Bind sys:String.Format(x:Null, '{0} is now available in {1}', FirstName, LastName)}"/>


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