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可能会抛出“NullPointerException”; “getBody”可以返回 null 声纳

[英]A “NullPointerException” could be thrown; “getBody” can return null Sonar

Sonar points that A "NullPointerException" could be thrown; "getBody()" can return null声纳指出A "NullPointerException" could be thrown; "getBody()" can return null A "NullPointerException" could be thrown; "getBody()" can return null around recaptchaResponseEntity.getBody() "getBody()" 可以在recaptchaResponseEntity.getBody()周围A "NullPointerException" could be thrown; "getBody()" can return null

public BooleanResponse verifyCaptcha(String recaptchaResponse) {

//Alot more sophisticated logic

    Boolean success = (Boolean) recaptchaResponseEntity.getBody().get("success");

    List<String> errors = (List) recaptchaResponseEntity.getBody().get("error-codes");
    return success ? BooleanResponse.success() : BooleanResponse.failure(errors.get(0));

I tried我试过了

recaptchaResponseEntity.getBody()!=null , Objects.noNull(recaptchaResponseEntity.getBody()),

But got no luck, can you please help to resolve this issue?但是没有运气,你能帮忙解决这个问题吗? Thanks谢谢

Each of your example attempt do not store the compared value anywhere.您的每个示例尝试都不会将比较值存储在任何地方。 I assume that you have run those checks, but then you still called getBody() again, which would trigger the issue (there is no guarantee that the method will return the same result twice).我假设您已经运行了这些检查,但是您仍然再次调用getBody() ,这将触发问题(不能保证该方法将返回两次相同的结果)。 I would try to store getBody() return value in a variable and only use that after the check, eg:我会尝试将getBody()返回值存储在变量中,并且仅在检查后使用它,例如:

<appropriate type here> recaptchaResponseBody = recaptchaResponseEntity.getBody();
if (recaptchaResponseBody != null) {
    Boolean success = (Boolean) recaptchaResponseBody.get("success");


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