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[英]Converting dynamic data to hex in array

I am working on a smartcard in python and using pyscard library.我正在使用 python 中的智能卡并使用 pyscard 库。 I have the following data:我有以下数据:

WRITE_PREF = [0X80, 0X12, 0X00, 0X01, 0X12, 0X01, 0X00, 0X00, 0X20, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00] WRITE_PREF = [0X80, 0X12, 0X00, 0X01, 0X12, 0X01, 0X00, 0X00, 0X20, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00]

I am receiving random data(of length 10) in string format.我正在接收字符串格式的随机数据(长度为 10)。 After conversion to hex, I get the array with hex values of the random string data.转换为十六进制后,我得到包含随机字符串数据的十六进制值的数组。

Problem: The array of hex values has the values in string form.问题:十六进制值数组具有字符串形式的值。

Example: ['0x33','0x32'....]示例:['0x33','0x32'....]

When I append WRITE_PREF and this hex data, I get the array like this:当我 append WRITE_PREF 和这个十六进制数据时,我得到这样的数组:

[128, 18, 0, 1, 18, 1, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, '0x33', '0x32'] [128, 18, 0, 1, 18, 1, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, '0x33', '0x32']

I convert the first part to hex and replace the array values of integer with the hex ones.我将第一部分转换为十六进制,并将 integer 的数组值替换为十六进制。 When I transmit data using the command:当我使用命令传输数据时:


I get error.我得到错误。 I am pretty sure it is because the values in array are hex strings.我很确定这是因为数组中的值是十六进制字符串。 If I transmit some data manually like:如果我手动传输一些数据,例如:

[0x33,0x32,0x30] [0x33,0x32,0x30]

It is working fine.它工作正常。 So the problem must be because of the quotes in array data.所以问题一定是因为数组数据中的引号。 Example:例子:

['0x33','0x32','0x30'] ['0x33','0x32','0x30']

Is there a way to solve this?有没有办法解决这个问题?

You have a str representing a hexadecimal number, let's turn that into an int .你有一个str代表一个十六进制数,让我们把它变成一个int We save space using int , also int is flexible.我们使用int节省空间, int也很灵活。 We can choose how to represent this int .我们可以选择如何表示这个int

s = ['0x33','0x32']
s = [int(_s, base=16) for _s in s]
print(s) # defaults to displaying an int as decimal
print(list(f'0x{_s:x}' for _s in s)) # specify that we want to display as `x` or hexamdecimal

Output: Output:

[51, 50]
['0x33', '0x32']

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