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[英]Python: Converting binary data to hex array

I have a binary file that contains one line of: abcd1234我有一个二进制文件,其中包含一行:abcd1234

In Python, reading this binary file using在 Python 中,使用读取这个二进制文件

filecontent = f_obj.read()

results in:结果是:

filecontent = b'abcd1234'

I want to store the result of filecontent into a byte array as:我想要的结果存储filecontent成字节数组为:

array[0] = 0xab
array[1] = 0xcd
array[2] = 0x12
array[3] = 0x34

Is there a Python function that can do this conversion?是否有可以进行这种转换的 Python 函数?

filecontent = filecontent.decode("utf-8") # to remove the b' ' from the string
filecontent = bytearray.fromhex(filecontent)

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