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如何从 HttpListenerResponse .NET 核心获取所有标头

[英]How to get all headers from HttpListenerResponse .NET core

I have a HttpListenerResponse which Headers array only contains 2 entries.我有一个 HttpListenerResponse,其中 Headers 数组仅包含 2 个条目。 The entire content of the HttpListenerResponse is seen in this picture HttpListenerResponse 的全部内容见这张图


I'm testing my HttpListener by using Postman.我正在使用 Postman 测试我的 HttpListener。 In my postman Response I see the following headers:在我的 postman 响应中,我看到以下标题: 在此处输入图像描述

As you can see the Server and Date headers are present in the response but not in my HttpListenerResponse content.如您所见,响应中存在 Server 和 Date 标头,但我的 HttpListenerResponse 内容中没有。 Why are they not there and how can I get them?为什么他们不在那里,我怎样才能得到他们?

Im not a.Net expert, but when i tried to create an API Gateway i had the same problem.我不是 .Net 专家,但是当我尝试创建 API 网关时,我遇到了同样的问题。 For me, to be able to access all the headers in Net Core, i had to use the interface IHeaderDictionary of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http package.对我来说,为了能够访问 Net Core 中的所有标题,我必须使用 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http package 的接口 IHeaderDictionary。 The headers will be a property of HttpContext.Request object.标头将是 HttpContext.Request object 的属性。

返回所有标头的 API 网关控制器

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