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在 python 中以 4:3 格式而不是 16:9 拍照

[英]Take photo in python with 4:3 format instead of 16:9

I am going to use from raspberry pi camera with (camera.capture) command and take photo in 4:3 format instead of 16:9.我将使用带有 (camera.capture) 命令的树莓派相机并以 4:3 格式而不是 16:9 格式拍照。 I will be appreciate that give me tips.我将不胜感激,给我提示。

You can change the image settings and camera effect like so:您可以像这样更改图像设置和相机效果:

camera.resolution = (2592, 1944)
camera.framerate = 15`

So if you set the resolution with因此,如果您将分辨率设置为

camera.resolution = (1280,960)

You'll have a 4:3 picture.您将获得一张 4:3 的图片。

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