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使用 Firestore Kotlin RecyclerView,我试图显示一个自定义 object,它是 class 的一个字段,显示在回收站视图中

[英]Working with a Firestore Kotlin RecyclerView, I am trying to show a custom object which is a field of the class being displayed in the recycler view

I have a Firestore database holding my data.我有一个保存我的数据的 Firestore 数据库。 Here is the structure ( database structure )这是结构(数据库结构

subclass database structure子类数据库结构

So my booking is sub-collections of the user.所以我的预订是用户的子集合。 Each booking contains its own restaurant as a sub-document.每个预订都包含自己的餐厅作为子文档。

Here is the activity file:这是活动文件:

    private lateinit var binding: ActivityMyBookingsBinding

    //recyclerview for list
    lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView

    private var currentUser: FirebaseUser = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser!!
    private var db: FirebaseFirestore = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()

    var query: CollectionReference = db

    lateinit var bookingAdapter: BookingItemAdapter

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        binding = ActivityMyBookingsBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
        val view = binding.root


    private fun setupUI() {
        recyclerView = binding.bookingList

    private fun setupRecyclerView(){

        val options: FirestoreRecyclerOptions<BookingItem> = FirestoreRecyclerOptions.Builder<BookingItem>()
            .setQuery(query, BookingItem::class.java)

        bookingAdapter = BookingItemAdapter(this, options)

        recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)

        recyclerView.adapter = bookingAdapter


    override fun onStart() {

    override fun onStop() {

Here is the adapter file这是适配器文件

class BookingItemAdapter(
    val context: Context,
    val options: FirestoreRecyclerOptions<BookingItem>): FirestoreRecyclerAdapter<BookingItem, BookingItemAdapter.BookingViewHolder>(options) {

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): BookingViewHolder {
        return BookingViewHolder(

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: BookingViewHolder, position: Int, model: BookingItem) {
        holder.restaurantNameText.booking_restaurant_name.text = model.getRestaurantItem().getName()
        holder.restaurantDistanceText.booking_distance.text = model.getRestaurantItem().getGeoHash()
        holder.restaurantRatingBar.booking_ratingBar.rating = model.getRestaurantItem().getRating()?.toFloat()!!
        holder.bookingDate.booking_date.text = "${model.getDay()}/${model.getMonth()}/${model.getYear()}"
        holder.bookingTime.booking_time.text = "${model.getHour()}:${model.getMinute()}"
        holder.numberGuests.number_guests.text = model.getGuestNumber()

        val url = model.getRestaurantItem().getRestaurantImage()

        holder.itemView.setOnClickListener {
            val intent = Intent(context, RestaurantPageActivity::class.java)
            intent.putExtra("model", model.getRestaurantItem())



        CompletableFuture.runAsync {
            runCatching {
                val url = model.getRestaurantItem().getRestaurantImage()


    inner class BookingViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
        val restaurantNameText: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.booking_restaurant_name)
        val restaurantImageItem: ImageView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.booking_restaurantImage)
        val restaurantRatingBar: RatingBar = itemView.findViewById(R.id.booking_ratingBar)
        val restaurantDistanceText: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.booking_distance)
        val bookingTime: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.booking_time)
        val bookingDate: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.booking_date)
        val numberGuests: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.number_guests)


Here is the bookingItem class:这是 bookingItem class:

class BookingItem(restaurantItem: RestaurantItem, guestNumber: String, day: String,
                  month: String, year: String, hour: String, minute: String) {

    constructor(): this(RestaurantItem("", "", 0, 0,
            "", "", "", "", false), "", "", "", "", "","")

    private var restaurantItemName = restaurantItem.getName()
    private var restaurantItemImage = restaurantItem.getRestaurantImage()
    private var restaurantItemPrice = restaurantItem.getPrice()
    private var restaurantItemRating = restaurantItem.getRating()
    private var restaurantItemGeohash = restaurantItem.getGeoHash()
    private var restaurantItemLongitude = restaurantItem.getLongitude()
    private var restaurantItemLatitude = restaurantItem.getLatitude()
    private var restaurantItemCuisine = restaurantItem.getCuisine()
    private var restaurantItemDietary = restaurantItem.getDietaryFriendly()
    private var restaurantItem: RestaurantItem = RestaurantItem(

    private var guestNumber: String = guestNumber
    private var day: String = day
    private var month: String = month
    private var year: String = year
    private var hour: String = hour
    private var minute: String = minute

    fun getRestaurantItem(): RestaurantItem{
        return this.restaurantItem
    fun getGuestNumber(): String {
        return this.guestNumber

    fun getDay(): String{
        return this.day

    fun getMonth(): String{
        return this.month

    fun getYear(): String{
        return this.year

    fun getHour(): String{
        return this.hour

    fun getMinute(): String{
        return this.minute

Finally incase you need it, here is the sub entity - restaurantItem class:最后,如果您需要它,这里是子实体 - restaurantItem class:

class RestaurantItem(name: String, restaurantImage: String, price: Long, rating: Long, geoHash: String ,
                     longitude: String, latitude: String, cuisine: String, dietaryFriendly: Boolean): Parcelable{

    constructor(): this ("", "", 0, 0,
        "", "", "", "", false

    private var name: String = name
    private var restaurantImage: String = restaurantImage
    private var price: Long = price
    private var rating: Long = rating
    private var geoHash: String = geoHash
    private var longitude: String = longitude
    private var latitude: String = latitude
    private var cuisine: String = cuisine
    private var dietaryFriendly: Boolean = dietaryFriendly

    private constructor(parcel: Parcel) : this() {
        name = parcel.readString().toString()
        restaurantImage = parcel.readString().toString()
        price = parcel.readLong()
        rating = parcel.readLong()
        geoHash = parcel.readString().toString()
        longitude = parcel.readString().toString()
        latitude = parcel.readString().toString()
        cuisine = parcel.readString().toString()
        dietaryFriendly = parcel.readByte() != 0.toByte()

    fun getName(): String {
        return this.name
    fun getLatitude(): String {
        return this.latitude
    fun getLongitude(): String {
        return this.longitude
    fun getGeoHash(): String {
        return this.geoHash
    fun getPrice(): Long {
        return this.price
    fun getDietaryFriendly(): Boolean{
        return this.dietaryFriendly
    fun getRating(): Long {
        return this.rating
    fun getRestaurantImage(): String {
        return this.restaurantImage
    fun getCuisine(): String {
        return this.cuisine

    override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {
        parcel.writeByte(if (dietaryFriendly) 1 else 0)

    override fun describeContents(): Int {
        return 0

    companion object CREATOR : Parcelable.Creator<RestaurantItem> {
        override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): RestaurantItem {
            return RestaurantItem(parcel)

        override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<RestaurantItem?> {
            return arrayOfNulls(size)

Now the data is coming in from firebase fine and the time, date, and a number of guests are being displayed correctly.现在数据从 firebase 进来,时间、日期和客人数量都显示正确。

The restaurant class works because it is used elsewhere and displays correctly in other recycler views.餐厅 class 之所以有效,是因为它在其他地方使用并在其他回收站视图中正确显示。

The issue seems to be that when the booking item is instanciated, all the data in the restaurantItem gets set to its null values.问题似乎是,当预订项目被实例化时,restaurantItem 中的所有数据都设置为其 null 值。

I walked through with the debugger and I can see the data has made it from firebase.我使用调试器进行了检查,我可以看到数据来自 firebase。

This is the data when I debug in the bookingitem constructor and step through这是我在 bookingitem 构造函数中调试并逐步执行时的数据

This is where the data is lost and reset to null values:这是数据丢失并重置为 null 值的地方:

Here is the line that the data is lost这是数据丢失的行

You can access the code here https://github.com/KotaCanchela/RestaurantBookingSystem您可以在此处访问代码https://github.com/KotaCanchela/RestaurantBookingSystem

I appreciate any help that can be provided, I've tried to give as much detail here as possible.我感谢可以提供的任何帮助,我已尝试在此处提供尽可能多的详细信息。

When you are debugging your code, all the properties of the "restaurantItem" object in the debugger are holding the default values because there is no match between the object of the class and the object in Firestore. When you are debugging your code, all the properties of the "restaurantItem" object in the debugger are holding the default values because there is no match between the object of the class and the object in Firestore.

Your "BookingItem" class holds the property called "restaurantItem", while in the database the object is called only "restaurant" , which is not correct.您的“BookingItem” class 拥有名为“restaurantItem”的属性,而在数据库中 object 仅称为“restaurant” ,这是不正确的。 Both names must match.两个名称必须匹配。 You either change the name of the property in the database to be "restaurantItem" and not just "restaurant", or you should use the following annotations:您可以将数据库中的属性名称更改为“restaurantItem”而不仅仅是“restaurant”,或者您应该使用以下注释:


In front of your restaurantItem property in your "BookingItem" class.在“BookingItem”class 中的restaurantItem属性前面。


According to your comment:根据您的评论:

do you mean in the BookingItem constructor?你的意思是在 BookingItem 构造函数中吗?

Yes.是的。 The minimum implementation for your class might be: class 的最低实现可能是:

data class BookingItem(
        var restaurantItem: RestaurantItem? = null,
        var guestNumber: String? = null,
        var day: String? = null,
        var month: String? = null,
        var year: String? = null,
        var hour: String? = null,
        var minute: String? = null

Where I have initialized those objects with a null value.我用null值初始化了这些对象。 Once you get the data from the database, you'll assign the values to your actual fields.从数据库中获取数据后,您会将值分配给您的实际字段。


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